PHP Classes

File: src/voku/helper/HtmlMinDomObserverOptimizeAttributes.php

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  Classes of Lars Moelleken   PHP HTML Minify Class   src/voku/helper/HtmlMinDomObserverOptimizeAttributes.php  
File: src/voku/helper/HtmlMinDomObserverOptimizeAttributes.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP HTML Minify Class
Compress HTML removing unnecessary data
Author: By
Last change: [+]: update vendor + removing more default attributes

- add "doRemoveDefaultTypeFromButton()"
- add "doRemoveDefaultMediaTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag()"
- add "doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag()"
- add "overwriteTemplateLogicSyntaxInSpecialScriptTags()"
- use a new version of "voku/simple_html_dom" (4.7.15)
[+]: add "isHTML4" + "isXHTML"

-> fix "remove deprecated script-mime-types"
[+]: change the api of some new functions

- use "localDomains" (string[]) instead of "localDomain" (string)
- use the same strange "do*"-naming as for all other methods :/
[+]: code style + phpdoc fixes

-> + use html5 short-syntax for "<optgroup>"
[+]: "keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local" v3.2

- fix error in commit 274e50
[+]: "keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local" v3.1

- remove setLocalDomain method
- method doMakeSameDomainLinksRelative accepts domain directly
- isDoMakeSameDomainLinksRelative set to false on empty $localDomain string
[+]: "keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local" v3

- keepPrefixOnExternalAttributes does not affect link href tags
[+]: "keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local" v2.1

-> fix phpstan reported stuff
[+]: "keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local" v2

-> remove the "$_SERVER" usage -> (security)
-> do not use regex if not needed (performance)
-> add some more test cases
keep prefix on non-resources + make domain local

Date: 3 years ago
Size: 13,615 bytes


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