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File: test/python/
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Class: PHP Regex Analyzer and Composer
Analyze and compose regular expressions
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Date: 4 years ago
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#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, re import pprint # import the module, probably you will want to place this in another dir/package import imp RAModulePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../src/python/') try: RAFp, RAPath, RADesc = imp.find_module('Regex', [RAModulePath]) Regex = getattr( imp.load_module('Regex', RAFp, RAPath, RADesc), 'Regex' ) except ImportError as exc: Regex = None sys.stderr.write("Error: failed to import module ({})".format(exc)) finally: if RAFp: RAFp.close() if not Regex: print ('Could not load the Regex Module') sys.exit(1) else: print ('Regex Module loaded succesfully') def echo_( o='' ): print( str(o) ) echo_("Regex.VERSION = " + Regex.VERSION) echo_("Testing Regex.Composer") echo_("===============================================================") identifierSubRegex = Regex.Composer( ).characterGroup( ).characters( '_' ).range( 'a', 'z' ).end( ).characterGroup( ).characters( '_' ).range( 'a', 'z' ).range( '0', '9' ).end( ).zeroOrMore( ).partial( ) outregex = Regex.Composer( ).SOL( ).nonCaptureGroup( ).either( ).regexp( identifierSubRegex ).or_( ).namedGroup( 'token' ).literal( '**aabb**' ).end( ).any( ).space( ).or_( ).digit( False ).oneOrMore( ).end( 2 ).zeroOrMore( False ).backReference( 'token' ).EOL( ).compose( re.I ) echo_("Partial : " + identifierSubRegex) echo_("Composed : " + outregex['pattern'].pattern) echo_("Expected : " + "^(?:[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*|(\\*\\*aabb\\*\\*).\\s|\\D+)*?\\1$") echo_("Output : " + pprint.pformat(outregex, 4)) echo_("===============================================================") echo_() echo_("Testing Regex.Analyzer") echo_("===============================================================") # test it inregex = '/(?P<named_group>[abcde]+)fgh(?P=named_group)(?# a comment)/i' anal = Regex.Analyzer( inregex ) peekChars = anal.peek( ) minLen = anal.minimum( ) maxLen = anal.maximum( ) regexp = anal.compile( {'i':1 if 'i' in anal.fl else 0} ) sampleStr = anal.sample( 1, 5 ) groups = anal.groups() for i in range(5): m = regexp.match(sampleStr[i]) sampleStr[i] = {'sample':sampleStr[i], 'match':'yes' if m else 'no', 'groups': {}} if m: for group,index in groups.items(): sampleStr[i]['groups'][group] = echo_("Input : " + inregex) echo_("Regular Expression : " + anal.input()) echo_("Regular Expression Flags : " + ','.join(anal.fl.keys())) echo_("Reconstructed Regular Expression : " + anal.source()) echo_("===============================================================") echo_("Regular Expression Syntax Tree : ") echo_(pprint.pformat(anal.tree(True), 4)) echo_("===============================================================") echo_("Regular Expression (Named) Matched Groups : ") echo_(pprint.pformat(groups, 4)) echo_("===============================================================") echo_("Regular Expression Peek Characters : ") echo_(pprint.pformat({'positive':list(peekChars['positive'].keys()),'negative':list(peekChars['negative'].keys())}, 4)) echo_("===============================================================") echo_("Regular Expression Minimum / Maximum Length : ") echo_(pprint.pformat({'minimum':minLen,'maximum':'unlimited' if -1 == maxLen else maxLen}, 4)) echo_("===============================================================") echo_("Regular Expression Sample Match Strings : ") echo_(pprint.pformat(sampleStr, 4)) echo_("===============================================================")