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Class: Dialect PHP ORM and ODM Library
Store and retrieve objects in database using ORM
Author: By
Last change: v.2.0.1

* fix some typos that remained
* update Dialect and tests
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 60,332 bytes



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## # DialectORM, # tiny, fast, super-simple but versatile Object-Relational-Mapper with Relationships and Object-NoSql-Mapper for PHP, JavaScript, Python # # @version: 2.0.1 # ## import re, time, abc, inspect, functools from collections import OrderedDict def ucfirst(s): return s[0].upper() + s[1:] def lcfirst(s): return s[0].lower() + s[1:] def empty(arg): if isinstance(arg, str): return ('0' == arg) or (not len(arg)) return (not arg) GUID = 0 def guid(): global GUID GUID += 1 return str(hex(int(time.time()))[2:])+'__'+str(hex(GUID)[2:]) def createFunction(args, sourceCode, additional_symbols = dict()): # funcName = 'dialectorm_func_' + guid() # The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated # function's environment SAFE_SYMBOLS = [ "list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object", "bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir", "frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex", "divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars", "hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len", "map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range", "reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None", "Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt" ] # Also add the standard exceptions __bi = __builtins__ if type(__bi) is not dict: __bi = __bi.__dict__ for k in __bi: if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"): SAFE_SYMBOLS.append(k) del __bi # Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName: s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded # Byte-compilation (optional) byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec') # Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution # environment for __TheFunction__ bis = dict() # builtins globs = dict() locs = dict() # Setup a standard-compatible python environment bis["locals"] = lambda: locs bis["globals"] = lambda: globs globs["__builtins__"] = bis globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV" globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode # Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed if type(__builtins__) is dict: bi_dict = __builtins__ else: bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__ # Include the safe symbols for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS: # try from current locals try: locs[k] = locals()[k] continue except KeyError: pass # Try from globals try: globs[k] = globals()[k] continue except KeyError: pass # Try from builtins try: bis[k] = bi_dict[k] except KeyError: # Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored pass # Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary globs.update(additional_symbols) # Finally execute the Function statement: eval(byteCode, globs, locs) # As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName # in the locals dictionary fct = locs[funcName] # Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive del locs[funcName] globs[funcName] = fct # Attach the actual source code to the docstring fct.__doc__ = sourceCode # return the compiled function object return fct def import_module(name, path): import imp mod_fp = None try: mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc = imp.find_module(name, [path]) mod = getattr(imp.load_module(name, mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc), name) except ImportError as exc: mod = None finally: if mod_fp: mod_fp.close() return mod def eq(a, b): if isinstance(a, (list,tuple)) and isinstance(b, (list,tuple)): if len(a) == len(b): for i in range(len(a)): if a[i] != b[i]: return False return True return False return a == b def array(x): return list(x) if isinstance(x, (list,tuple)) else [x] Dialect = None class DialectORMEntity: @classmethod def snake_case(klass, s, sep = '_'): s = re.sub('[A-Z]', lambda m: sep +, lcfirst(s)) return s[1:] if sep == s[0] else s @classmethod def camelCase(klass, s, PascalCase = False, sep = '_'): s = re.sub(re.escape(sep)+'([a-z])', lambda m:, s) return ucfirst(s) if PascalCase else s @classmethod def key(klass, k, v, conditions = dict(), prefix = ''): if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)): v = array(v) for i in range(len(k)): conditions[prefix + k[i]] = v[i] else: conditions[prefix + k] = v return conditions @classmethod def emptykey(klass, k): if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)): return empty(k) or (len(k) > len(list(filter(lambda ki: not empty(ki), k)))) else: return empty(k) @classmethod def strkey(klass, k): if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)): return ':&:'.join(list(map(lambda ki: str(ki), k))) else: return str(k) @classmethod def pluck(klass, entities, field = ''): if '' == field: return list(map(lambda entity: entity.primaryKey(), entities)) else: return list(map(lambda entity: entity.get(field), entities)) @classmethod def sorter(klass, args = list()): # Array multi - sorter utility # returns a sorter that can (sub-)sort by multiple (nested) fields # each ascending or descending independantly # + before a (nested) field indicates ascending sorting (default), # example "+a.b.c" # - before a (nested) field indicates descending sorting, # example "-b.c.d" l = len(args) if l: step = 1 sorter = [] variables = [] sorter_args = [] filter_args = []; for i in range(l-1, -1, -1): field = args[i] # if is array, it contains a filter function as well filter_args.insert(0, 'f'+str(i)) if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): sorter_args.insert(0, field[1]) field = field[0] else: sorter_args.insert(0, None) field = str(field) dir = field[0] if '-' == dir: desc = True field = field[1:] elif '+' == dir: desc = False field = field[1:] else: # default ASC desc = False field = ''.join(list(map(lambda f: '' if not len(f) else (('['+f+']') if'^\d+$', f) else ('.get(\''+f+'\')')), field.split('.')))) if len(field) else '' a = "a"+field b = "b"+field if sorter_args[0]: a = filter_args[0] + '(' + a + ')' b = filter_args[0] + '(' + b + ')' avar = 'a_'+str(i) bvar = 'b_'+str(i) variables.insert(0, bvar+'='+b) variables.insert(0, avar+'='+a) lt = str(step) if desc else ('-'+str(step)) gt = ('-'+str(step)) if desc else str(step) sorter.insert(0, "("+lt+" if "+avar+" < "+bvar+" else ("+gt+" if "+avar+" > "+bvar+" else 0))") step <<= 1 # use optional custom filters as well comparator = (createFunction( ','.join(filter_args), "\n".join([ ' def sorter(a,b):', ' '+"\n ".join(variables), ' return '+'+'.join(sorter), ' return sorter' ]) ))(*sorter_args) return functools.cmp_to_key(comparator) else: a = "a" b = "b" lt = '-1' gt = '1' sorter = lt+" if "+a+" < "+b+" else ("+gt+" if "+a+" > "+b+" else 0)" comparator = createFunction('a,b', ' return '+sorter) return functools.cmp_to_key(comparator) @classmethod def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None): return default @classmethod def fetchAll(klass, opts = dict(), default = list()): return default def primaryKey(self, default = 0): klass = self.__class__ return self.get(, default) def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()): return default def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()): return self def has(self, field): return False def clear(self): = None self.isDirty = None return self def toDict(self, diff = False): return {} def beforeSave(self): pass def afterSave(self, result = 0): pass def save(self, opts = dict()): return 0 def delete(self, opts = dict()): return 0 # interface class IDialectORMDb(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def vendor(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def escape(self, str): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def escapeWillQuote(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def query(self, sql): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def get(self, sql): raise NotImplementedError class DialectORMException(Exception): pass class DialectORMRelation: def __init__(self, type, a, b, kb, ka = None, ab = None): self.type = str(type).lower() self.a = a self.b = b self.keya = ka self.keyb = kb self.ab = ab self.field = None = False class DialectORM(DialectORMEntity): """ DialectORM for Python, """ VERSION = '2.0.1' Entity = DialectORMEntity Exception = DialectORMException Relation = DialectORMRelation IDb = IDialectORMDb deps = {} dbh = None tblprefix = '' table = None pk = None fields = [] relationships = {} @staticmethod def dependencies(deps): DialectORM.deps.update(deps) @staticmethod def dependency(dep, default = None): return DialectORM.deps[dep] if dep in DialectORM.deps else default @staticmethod def DBHandler(db = None): if db is not None: if not isinstance(db, IDialectORMDb): raise DialectORM.Exception('DialectORM DB must implement DialectORM.IDb') DialectORM.dbh = db return DialectORM.dbh @staticmethod def SQLBuilder(): global Dialect if not Dialect: entry = DialectORM.dependency('Dialect') if entry: if isinstance(entry, (list,tuple)): Dialect = import_module(str(entry[1]) if 1<len(entry) else 'Dialect', str(entry[0])) elif isinstance(entry, str): Dialect = import_module('Dialect', entry) elif inspect.isclass(entry): Dialect = entry db = DialectORM.DBHandler() sql = Dialect(db.vendor()) sql.escape(db.escape, db.escapeWillQuote()) if hasattr(db, 'escapeId') and callable(getattr(db, 'escapeId')): sql.escapeId(db.escapeId, db.escapeIdWillQuote() if hasattr(db, 'escapeIdWillQuote') and callable(getattr(db, 'escapeIdWillQuote')) else False) return sql @staticmethod def prefix(prefix = None): if prefix is not None: DialectORM.tblprefix = str(prefix) return DialectORM.tblprefix @staticmethod def tbl(table): return DialectORM.prefix() + str(table) eq = eq @classmethod def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None): entity = DialectORM.DBHandler().get( DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select( klass.fields ).From( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Where( DialectORM.key(, id, {}) ).sql() ) return klass(entity[0] if isinstance(entity, list) else entity) if not empty(entity) else default @classmethod def count(klass, opts = dict()): options = {'conditions' : {}} options.update(opts) sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select( 'COUNT(*) AS cnt' ).From( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Where( options['conditions'] ) res = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql()) return res[0]['cnt'] @classmethod def fetchAll(klass, opts = dict(), default = list()): options = { 'conditions': {}, 'order': OrderedDict(), 'limit': None, 'single': False, 'withRelated': [], 'related': {}, } options.update(opts) retSingle = options['single'] if retSingle and empty(default): default = None pk = sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select( klass.fields ).From( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Where( options['conditions'] ) if not empty(options['order']): for field in options['order']: sql.Order(field, options['order'][field]) if options['limit'] is not None: if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)): sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0) else: sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0) elif retSingle: sql.Limit(1, 0) entities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql()) if empty(entities): return default for i in range(len(entities)): entities[i] = klass(entities[i]) if options['withRelated']: # eager optimised (no N+1 issue) loading of selected relations ids = klass.pluck(entities) for field in options['withRelated']: field = str(field) if field not in klass.relationships: continue rel = klass.relationships[field] type = rel[0].lower() cls = rel[1] conditions = {} if 'hasone' == type: fk = rel[2] if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[fk] = {'in':ids} if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 rentities = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : conditions }) mapp = {} for re in rentities: mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.get(fk))] = re for e in entities: kv = str(e.primaryKey()) e.set(field, mapp[kv] if kv in mapp else None) elif 'hasmany' == type: fk = rel[2] if field in options['related'] and 'limit' in options['related'][field]: sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder() selects = [] for id in ids: conditions = DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 subquery = sql.subquery().Select( cls.fields ).From( DialectORM.tbl(cls.table) ).Where( conditions ) if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field]: for ofield in options['related'][field]['order']: subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield]) if isinstance(options['related'][field]['limit'], (list,tuple)): subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], options['related'][field]['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['related'][field]['limit']) else 0) else: subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0) selects.append(subquery.sql()) rentities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, False).sql()) for i in range(len(rentities)): rentities[i] = cls(rentities[i]) else: conditions = {} if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[fk] = {'in':ids} if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 rentities = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : conditions, 'order' : options['related'][field]['order'] if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field] else OrderedDict() }) mapp = {} for re in rentities: fkv = DialectORM.strkey(re.get(fk)) if fkv not in mapp: mapp[fkv] = [re] else: mapp[fkv].append(re) for e in entities: kv = DialectORM.strkey(e.primaryKey()) e.set(field, mapp[kv] if kv in mapp else []) elif 'belongsto' == type: fk = rel[2] rpk = fids = klass.pluck(entities, fk) if isinstance(rpk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}) for id in fids]} else: conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids} if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 rentities = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : conditions }) mapp = {} for re in rentities: mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.primaryKey())] = re for e in entities: fkv = DialectORM.strkey(e.get(fk)) e.set(field, mapp[fkv] if fkv in mapp else None, {'recurse':True,'merge':True}) elif 'belongstomany' == type: ab = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]) fk = rel[2] pk2 = rel[3] rpk = if isinstance(pk2, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk2)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(pk2, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[pk2] = {'in':ids} reljoin = DialectORM.DBHandler().get( DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select( '*' ).From( ab ).Where( conditions ).sql() ) fids = list(map((lambda d: list(map(lambda k: d[k], fk))) if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)) else (lambda d: d[fk]), reljoin)) if (not empty(fids)) and (field in options['related'] and 'limit' in options['related'][field]): sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder() selects = [] for id in fids: conditions = DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}) if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 subquery = sql.subquery().Select( cls.fields ).From( DialectORM.tbl(cls.table) ).Where( conditions ) if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field]: for ofield in options['related'][field]['order']: subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield]) if isinstance(options['related'][field]['limit'], (list,tuple)): subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], options['related'][field]['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['related'][field]['limit']) else 0) else: subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0) selects.append(subquery.sql()) rentities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, False).sql()) for i in range(len(rentities)): rentities[i] = cls(rentities[i]) else: conditions = {} if isinstance(rpk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}) for id in fids]} else: conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids} if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]: conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy() conditions2.update(conditions) conditions = conditions2 rentities = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : conditions, 'order' : options['related'][field]['order'] if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field] else OrderedDict() }) mapp = {} for re in rentities: mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.primaryKey())] = re relmapp = {} for d in reljoin: k1 = DialectORM.strkey([d[k] for k in pk2] if isinstance(pk2, (list,tuple)) else d[pk2]) k2 = DialectORM.strkey([d[k] for k in fk] if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)) else d[fk]) if k2 in mapp: if k1 not in relmapp: relmapp[k1] = [mapp[k2]] else: relmapp[k1].append(mapp[k2]) for e in entities: k1 = DialectORM.strkey(e.primaryKey()) e.set(field, relmapp[k1] if k1 in relmapp else []) return entities[0] if retSingle else entities @classmethod def deleteAll(klass, opts = dict()): options = { 'conditions' : {}, 'limit' : None, 'withRelated' : False } options.update(opts) ids = None if not empty(options['withRelated']): ids = klass.pluck(klass.fetchAll({'conditions':options['conditions'], 'limit':options['limit']})) for field in klass.relationships: rel = klass.relationships[field] type = rel[0].lower() cls = rel[1] conditions = {} if 'belongsto'==type: # bypass pass elif 'belongstomany'==type: # delete relation from junction table fk = rel[3] if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[fk] = {'in':ids} DialectORM.DBHandler().query( DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete( ).From( DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]) ).Where( conditions ).sql() ) else: fk = rel[2] if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[fk] = {'in':ids} cls.deleteAll({ 'conditions' : conditions, 'withRelated' : True }) if isinstance(ids, list): pk = conditions = {} if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}) for id in ids]} else: conditions[pk] = {'in':ids} sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete( ).From( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Where( conditions ) else: sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete( ).From( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Where( options['conditions'] ) if options['limit'] is not None: if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)): sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0) else: sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0) res = DialectORM.DBHandler().query(sql.sql()) res = res['affectedRows']; return res def __init__(self, data = dict()): self._db = None self._sql = None self.relations = {} = None self.isDirty = None if isinstance(data, dict) and not empty(data): self._populate(data) def db(self): if not self._db: self._db = DialectORM.DBHandler() return self._db def sql(self): if not self._sql: self._sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder() return self._sql def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()): if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): return [self.get(f, default[i] if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)) else default, opts) for i, f in enumerate(field)] field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ if field in klass.relationships: return self._getRelated(field, default, opts) if (not isinstance(, dict)) or (field not in if field in klass.fields: return default raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via get()') return[field] def _getRelated(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()): klass = self.__class__ rel = None if isinstance(field, DialectORM.Relation): rel = field field = rel.field elif field in self.relations: rel = self.relations[field] elif field in klass.relationships: type = klass.relationships[field][0] a = klass b = klass.relationships[field][1] kb = klass.relationships[field][2] ka = klass.relationships[field][3] if 3<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None ab = klass.relationships[field][4] if 4<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None rel = DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab) rel.field = field self.relations[field] = rel if rel: options = { 'conditions' : {}, 'order' : OrderedDict(), 'limit' : None } options.update(opts) if (rel.type in ['hasmany','belongstomany']) and empty(default): default = [] if is False: if 'hasone' == rel.type or 'hasmany' == rel.type: cls = rel.b fk = rel.keyb if 'hasone' == rel.type: = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, self.primaryKey(), {}), 'single' : True }) else: = cls.fetchAll({ 'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, self.primaryKey(), options['conditions'].copy()), 'order' : options['order'], 'limit' : options['limit'] }) if mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel) if mirrorRel: if isinstance(, list): for entity in #entity.set(rel.keyb, self.primaryKey()) entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False}) else: entity = #entity.set(rel.keyb, self.primaryKey()) entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False}) elif 'belongsto' == rel.type: cls = rel.b = cls.fetchByPk(self.get(rel.keyb), None) if mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel) if mirrorRel: entity = entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self if 'hasone'==mirrorRel['type'] else [self], {'recurse':False,'merge':True}) elif 'belongstomany' == rel.type: cls = rel.b tbl = DialectORM.tbl(cls.table) jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab) jon = {} pk = array( fk = array(rel.keyb) for i in range(len(pk)): jon[tbl + '.' + pk[i]] = jtbl + '.' + fk[i] fields = cls.fields for i in range(len(fields)): fields[i] = tbl + '.' + fields[i] + ' AS ' + fields[i] self.sql().clear().Select( fields ).From( tbl ).Join( jtbl, jon, 'inner' ).Where( DialectORM.key(rel.keya, self.primaryKey(), options['conditions'].copy(), jtbl + '.') ) if not empty(options['order']): for field in options['order']: self.sql().Order(field, options['order'][field]) if options['limit'] is not None: if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)): self.sql().Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0) else: self.sql().Limit(options['limit'], 0) = list(map(lambda data: cls(data), self.db().get(str(self.sql())))) return default if not else return default def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()): if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): for i, f in enumerate(field): self.set(f, val[i] if isinstance(val, (list,tuple)) else val, opts) return self field = str(field) options = { 'raw' : False, 'recurse' : True, 'merge' : False } options.update(opts) klass = self.__class__ if field in klass.relationships: return self._setRelated(field, val, options) if field not in klass.fields: raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via set()') tval = val if not options['raw']: fieldProp = DialectORM.camelCase(field, True) typecast = 'type' + fieldProp try: typecaster = getattr(self, typecast) except AttributeError: typecaster = None if callable(typecaster): tval = typecaster(val) validate = 'validate' + fieldProp try: validator = getattr(self, validate) except AttributeError: validator = None if callable(validator): valid = validator(tval) if not valid: raise DialectORM.Exception('Value: "' + str(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__) if not isinstance(, dict): = {} self.isDirty = {} if (field not in or ([field] is not tval): self.isDirty[field] = True[field] = tval return self def _setRelated(self, field, data, opts = dict()): klass = self.__class__ rel = None if isinstance(field, DialectORM.Relation): rel = field field = rel.field elif field in self.relations: rel = self.relations[field] elif field in klass.relationships: type = klass.relationships[field][0] a = klass b = klass.relationships[field][1] kb = klass.relationships[field][2] ka = klass.relationships[field][3] if 3<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None ab = klass.relationships[field][4] if 4<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None rel = DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab) rel.field = field self.relations[field] = rel if rel: options = opts if options['merge'] and isinstance(data, list) and isinstance(, list): pks = [DialectORM.strkey(k) for k in klass.pluck(] for d in data: dpk = d.primaryKey() # add entities that do not exist already sk = DialectORM.strkey(dpk) if DialectORM.emptykey(dpk) or (sk not in pks): if not DialectORM.emptykey(dpk): pks.append(sk) else: = data if options['recurse'] and not empty( mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel) if mirrorRel: if 'belongsto' == mirrorRel['type']: pk = self.primaryKey() if isinstance(, list): for entity in entity.set(rel.keyb, pk) entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False}) else: entity = entity.set(rel.keyb, pk) entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False}) elif 'hasone' == mirrorRel['type']: entity = entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False}) elif 'hasmany' == mirrorRel['type']: entity = entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], [self], {'recurse':False,'merge':True}) return self def _getMirrorRel(self, rel): if 'hasone' == rel.type or 'hasmany' == rel.type: thisclass = self.__class__ cls = rel.b for f in cls.relationships: r = cls.relationships[f] if 'belongsto' == r[0].lower() and thisclass == r[1] and eq(rel.keyb, r[2]): return {'type':'belongsto', 'field':f} elif 'belongsto' == rel.type: thisclass = self.__class__ cls = rel.b for f in cls.relationships: r = cls.relationships[f] if ('hasone' == r[0].lower() or 'hasmany' == r[0].lower()) and thisclass == r[1] and eq(rel.keyb, r[2]): return {'type':r[0].lower(), 'field':f} return None def has(self, field): field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ return (field not in klass.relationships) and (isinstance(, dict) and (field in def assoc(self, field, entity): field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ if field not in klass.relationships: raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via assoc()') id = self.primaryKey() if not DialectORM.emptykey(id): rel = klass.relationships[field] type = rel[0].lower() cls = rel[1] if 'belongstomany' == type: jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]) eids = [] for ent in entity: if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue eid = ent.primaryKey() if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue eids.append(eid) conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {}) if isinstance(rel[2], (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}) for id in eids]} else: conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':eids} exists = list(map(lambda v: DialectORM.strkey(list(map(lambda k: v[k], array(rel[2])))), [] if empty(eids) else self.db().get( self.sql().clear().Select( rel[2] ).From( jtbl ).Where( conditions ).sql() ))) values = [] for ent in entity: if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue eid = ent.primaryKey() if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid) if sk not in exists: exists.append(sk) values.append(array(eid) + array(id)) if not empty(values): self.db().query( self.sql().clear().Insert( jtbl, array(rel[2]) + array(rel[3]) ).Values( values ).sql() ) self.sql().clear() elif 'belongsto' == type: if isinstance(entity, cls) and not DialectORM.emptykey(entity.primaryKey()): self.set(rel[2], entity.primaryKey()).save() elif 'hasone' == type: if isinstance(entity, cls): entity.set(rel[2], id).save() elif 'hasmany' == type: for ent in entity: if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue ent.set(rel[2], id).save() return self def dissoc(self, field, entity): field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ if field not in klass.relationships: raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via dissoc()') id = self.primaryKey() if not DialectORM.emptykey(id): rel = klass.relationships[field] type = rel[0].lower() cls = rel[1] if 'belongstomany' == type: jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]) values = [] for ent in entity: if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue eid = ent.primaryKey() if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue values.append(eid) if not empty( values): conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {}) if isinstance(rel[2], (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}) for id in values]} else: conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':values} self.db().query( self.sql().clear().Delete( ).From( jtbl ).Where( conditions ).sql() ) self.sql().clear() elif 'belongsto' == type: pass elif 'hasone' == type: pass elif 'hasmany' == type: pass return self def clear(self): = None self.isDirty = None for rel in self.relations: self.relations[rel].data = None return self # magic method calls simulated def __getattr__(self, method): prefix = method[0:3] if 'get' == prefix: field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:]) def getter(*args): return self.get(field, args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) if len(args) else self.get(field) return getter elif 'set' == prefix: field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:]) def setter(*args): return self.set(field, None if not len(args) else args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) return setter elif 'has' == prefix: field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:]) def haser(*args): return self.has(field) return haser elif 'assoc' == method[0:5]: field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[5:]) def assocer(*args): return self.assoc(field, args[0]) return assocer elif 'dissoc' == method[0:6]: field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[6:]) def dissocer(*args): return self.dissoc(field, args[0]) return dissocer else: raise AttributeError('Undefined access "'+method+'" in ' + self.__class__.__name__) def _populate(self, data): if empty(data): return self klass = self.__class__ if isinstance(, (list,tuple)): hydrateFromDB = True for k in hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB and (k in data) and not empty(data[k]) else: hydrateFromDB = ( in data) and not empty(data[]) for field in klass.fields: if field in data: self.set(field, data[field]) else: hydrateFromDB = False if not self.has(field): self.set(field, None) # populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags if hydrateFromDB: self.isDirty = {} return self def toDict(self, deep = False, diff = False, stack = list()): klass = self.__class__ if klass in stack: return None a = {} for field in klass.fields: if diff and (field not in self.isDirty): continue a[field] = self.get(field) if deep and not diff: stack.append(klass) for field in klass.relationships: if (field not in self.relations) or empty(self.relations[field].data): continue entity = self.get(field) data = None if isinstance(entity, list): data = [] for e in entity: d = e.toDict(True, False, stack) if not empty(d): data.append(d) else: data = entity.toDict(True, False, stack) if not empty(data): a[field] = data stack.pop() return a def save(self, opts = dict()): options = { 'force' : False, 'withRelated' : False } options.update(opts) res = 0 klass = self.__class__ if options['withRelated'] is True: withRelated = klass.relationships.keys() elif options['withRelated'] is False: withRelated = [] else: withRelated = array(options['withRelated']) for field in withRelated: field = str(field) if field not in self.relations: continue rel = self.relations[field] entity = cls = rel.b if (rel.type in ['belongsto']) and isinstance(entity, cls): self.set(rel.keyb, entity.primaryKey()) pk = if not empty(self.isDirty): self.beforeSave() id = self.get(pk) if not DialectORM.emptykey(id) and not options['force']: # update self.sql().clear().Update( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table) ).Set( self.toDict(False, True) ).Where( DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}) ) else: # insert self.sql().clear().Insert( DialectORM.tbl(klass.table), klass.fields ).Values( list(map(lambda f:[f] if f in else None, klass.fields)) ) res = self.db().query(str(self.sql())) if DialectORM.emptykey(id): self.set(pk, [res['insertId']] if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else res['insertId']) res = res['affectedRows'] self.isDirty = {} self.afterSave(res) id = self.get(pk) if not DialectORM.emptykey(id): for field in withRelated: field = str(field) if (field not in self.relations) or (self.relations[field].type in ['belongsto']): continue rel = self.relations[field] cls = rel.b if if isinstance(, list): if 'hasmany' == rel.type: for entity in if isinstance(entity, cls): entity.set(rel.keyb, id) for entity in if isinstance(entity, cls): else: entity = if 'hasone' == rel.type: if isinstance(entity, cls): entity.set(rel.keyb, id) if isinstance(entity, cls): if 'belongstomany' == rel.type: jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab) entities = eids = [] for entity in entities: if not isinstance(entity, cls): continue eid = entity.primaryKey() if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue eids.append(eid) # the most cross-platform way seems to do an extra select to check if relation already exists # conditions = DialectORM.key(rel.keya, id, {}) if isinstance(rel.keyb, (list,tuple)): conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel.keyb)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel.keyb, id, {}) for id in eids]} else: conditions[rel.keyb] = {'in':eids} exists = list(map(lambda v: DialectORM.strkey(list(map(lambda k: v[k], array(rel.keyb)))), [] if empty(eids) else self.db().get( self.sql().clear().Select( rel.keyb ).From( jtbl ).Where( conditions ).sql() ))) values = [] for entity in entities: if not isinstance(entity, cls): continue eid = entity.primaryKey() if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid) if sk not in exists: exists.append(sk) values.append(array(eid) + array(id)) if not empty(values): self.db().query( self.sql().clear().Insert( jtbl, array(rel.keyb) + array(rel.keya) ).Values( values ).sql() ) self.sql().clear() return res def delete(self, opts = dict()): options = { 'withRelated' : False } options.update(opts) res = 0 klass = self.__class__ if isinstance(, dict): pk = id = self.get(pk) if not DialectORM.emptykey(id): # delete res = klass.deleteAll({ 'conditions' : DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}), 'withRelated' : options['withRelated'] }) self.clear() return res # interface class IDialectORMNoSql(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def vendor(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def supportsPartialUpdates(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def supportsConditionalQueries(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def insert(self, collection, key, data): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def update(self, collection, key, data): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, collection, key): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def find(self, collection, key): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def findAll(self, collection, conditions): raise NotImplementedError class DialectNoSqlException(Exception): pass class DialectNoSql(DialectORMEntity): """ DialectORM for Python, """ VERSION = DialectORM.VERSION Exception = DialectNoSqlException INoSql = IDialectORMNoSql collection = None pk = None strh = None @staticmethod def NoSqlHandler(store = None): if store is not None: if not isinstance(store, IDialectORMNoSql): raise DialectNoSql.Exception('DialectNoSql Store must implement DialectORM.NoSql.INoSql') DialectNoSql.strh = store return DialectNoSql.strh @classmethod def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None): entity = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().find(klass.collection, DialectNoSql.key(, id) if isinstance(, (list,tuple)) else id) return klass(entity[0] if isinstance(entity, list) else entity) if not empty(entity) else default @classmethod def fetchAll(klass, conditions = dict(), default = list()): if DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().supportsConditionalQueries(): entities = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().findAll(klass.collection, conditions) if empty(entities): return default for i in range(len(entities)): entities[i] = klass(entities[i]) return entities return default def __init__(self, data = dict()): self._str = None = None self.isDirty = None if isinstance(data, dict) and not empty(data): self._populate(data) def storage(self): if not self._str: self._str = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler() return self._str def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()): if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): return [self.get(f, default[i] if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)) else default, opts) for i, f in enumerate(field)] field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ if (not isinstance(, dict)) or (field not in raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via get()') return[field] def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()): if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): for i, f in enumerate(field): self.set(f, val[i] if isinstance(val, (list,tuple)) else val, opts) return self field = str(field) options = { 'raw' : False } options.update(opts) klass = self.__class__ tval = val if not options['raw']: fieldProp = DialectNoSql.camelCase(field, True) typecast = 'type' + fieldProp try: typecaster = getattr(self, typecast) except AttributeError: typecaster = None if callable(typecaster): tval = typecaster(val) validate = 'validate' + fieldProp try: validator = getattr(self, validate) except AttributeError: validator = None if callable(validator): valid = validator(tval) if not valid: raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Value: "' + str(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__) if not isinstance(, dict): = {} self.isDirty = {} if (field not in or ([field] is not tval): self.isDirty[field] = True[field] = tval return self def has(self, field): field = str(field) klass = self.__class__ return isinstance(, dict) and (field in def clear(self): = None self.isDirty = None return self # magic method calls simulated def __getattr__(self, method): prefix = method[0:3] if 'get' == prefix: field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:]) def getter(*args): return self.get(field, args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) if len(args) else self.get(field) return getter elif 'set' == prefix: field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:]) def setter(*args): return self.set(field, None if not len(args) else args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) return setter elif 'has' == prefix: field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:]) def haser(*args): return self.has(field) return haser else: raise AttributeError('Undefined access "' + method + '" in ' + self.__class__.__name__) def _populate(self, data): if empty(data): return self klass = self.__class__ if isinstance(, (list,tuple)): hydrateFromDB = True for k in hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB and (k in data) and not empty(data[k]) else: hydrateFromDB = ( in data) and not empty(data[]) for field in data: self.set(field, data[field]) # populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags if hydrateFromDB: self.isDirty = {} return self def toDict(self, diff = False): a = {} fields = sorted( for field in fields: if diff and (field not in self.isDirty): continue a[field] =[field] return a def save(self, opts = dict()): klass = self.__class__ options = { 'update' : False } options.update(opts) res = 0 if not empty(self.isDirty): pk = id = self.get(pk) if DialectNoSql.emptykey(id): raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Empty key in ' + klass.__name__ + '::save()') self.beforeSave() if options['update']: # update res =, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id, self.toDict( else: # insert res =, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id, self.toDict(False)) self.isDirty = {} self.afterSave(res) return res def delete(self, opts = dict()): klass = self.__class__ options = {} options.update(opts) res = 0 if isinstance(, dict): pk = id = self.get(pk) if not DialectNoSql.emptykey(id): # delete res =, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id) self.clear() return res DialectORM.NoSql = DialectNoSql __all__ = ['DialectORM']