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Class: PHP Publish Subscribe
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ## # PublishSubscribe # A simple publish-subscribe implementation for PHP, Python, Node/JS # # @version: 1.1.0 # # ## import time #import pprint TOPIC_SEP = '/' TAG_SEP = '#' NS_SEP = '@' OTOPIC_SEP = '/' OTAG_SEP = '#' ONS_SEP = '@' class PublishSubscribeData: def __init__(self, props=None): if props: for k,v in props.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose(self, props=None): if props: for k in props: setattr(self, k, None) return self class PublishSubscribeEvent: def __init__( self, target=None, topic=None, original=None, tags=None, namespaces=None ): = target if topic: self.topic = topic else: self.topic = [] if original: self.originalTopic = original else: self.originalTopic = [] if tags: self.tags = tags else: self.tags = [] if namespaces: self.namespaces = namespaces else: self.namespaces = [] = None #PublishSubscribeData() self.timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self._propagates = True self._stopped = False self._aborted = False self.is_pipelined = False self._next = None def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose( self ): = None self.topic = None self.originalTopic = None self.tags = None self.namespaces = None if isinstance(, PublishSubscribeData): = None self.timestamp = None self.is_pipelined = False self._propagates = False self._stopped = True self._aborted = False self._next = None return self def next( self ): if callable(self._next): self._next(self) return self def pipeline( self, next=None ): if callable(next): self._next = next self.is_pipelined = True else: self._next = None self.is_pipelined = False return self def propagate( self, enable=True ): self._propagates = bool(enable) return self def stop( self, enable=True ): self._stopped = bool(enable) return self def abort( self, enable=True ): self._aborted = bool(enable) return self def propagates( self ): return self._propagates def aborted( self ): return self._aborted def stopped( self ): return self._stopped def get_pubsub( ): return { 'notopics': { 'notags': {'namespaces': {}, 'list': [], 'oneOffs': 0}, 'tags': {} }, 'topics': {} } def not_empty( s ): return len(s) > 0 def parse_topic( seps, topic ): nspos = topic.find( seps[2] ) tagspos = topic.find( seps[1] ) if -1 < nspos: namespaces = [x for x in topic[nspos:].split( seps[2] ) if not_empty(x)] namespaces = sorted( namespaces ) topic = topic[0:nspos] else: namespaces = [ ] if -1 < tagspos: tags = [x for x in topic[tagspos:].split( seps[1] ) if not_empty(x)] tags = sorted( tags ) topic = topic[0:tagspos] else: tags = [ ] topic = [x for x in topic.split( seps[0] ) if not_empty(x)] return [topic, tags, namespaces] def get_all_topics( seps, topic ): topics = [ ] tags = [ ] #namespaces = [ ] topic = parse_topic( seps, topic ) #tns = topic[2] namespaces = topic[2] ttags = topic[1] topic = topic[0] l = len(topic) while l: topics.append( OTOPIC_SEP.join(topic) ) topic.pop( ) l -= 1 l = len(ttags) if l > 1: combinations = (1 << l) combrange = range(combinations-1, 1, -1) lrange = range(l) for i in combrange: tmp = [ ] for j in lrange: jj = (1 << j) if (i != jj) and (i & jj): tmp.append( ttags[ j ] ) if len(tmp): tags.append( OTAG_SEP.join( tmp ) ) tags = tags + ttags elif l: tags.append( ttags[ 0 ] ) #l = len(tns) #if l > 1: # combinations = (1 << l) # combrange = range(combinations-1, 1, -1) # lrange = range(l) # for i in combrange: # tmp = [ ] # for j in lrange: # jj = (1 << j) # if (i != jj) and (i & jj): # tmp.append( tns[ j ] ) # if len(tmp): # namespaces.append( ONS_SEP.join( tmp ) ) # namespaces = namespaces + tns #elif l and len(tns[0]): namespaces.append( tns[ 0 ] ) topTopic = topics[0] if len(topics) else '' return [topTopic, topics, tags, namespaces] def update_namespaces( pbns, namespaces, nl=0 ): for ns in namespaces: ns = 'ns_' + ns if not (ns in pbns): pbns[ ns ] = 1 else: pbns[ ns ] += 1 def remove_namespaces( pbns, namespaces, nl=0 ): for ns in namespaces: ns = 'ns_' + ns if ns in pbns: pbns[ ns ] -= 1 if pbns[ ns ] <=0: del pbns[ ns ] def match_namespace( pbns, namespaces, nl=0 ): for ns in namespaces: ns = 'ns_' + ns if (ns not in pbns) or (0 >= pbns[ ns ]): return False return True def check_is_subscribed( pubsub, subscribedTopics, topic, tag, namespaces, nl ): _topic = 'tp_' + topic if topic else False _tag = 'tg_' + tag if tag else False if _topic and (_topic in pubsub['topics']): if _tag and (_tag in pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags']): if not_empty(pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ]['list']) and (nl <= 0 or match_namespace( pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ]['namespaces'], namespaces, nl )): subscribedTopics.append( [topic, tag, nl > 0, pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ]] ) return True else: if not_empty(pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['notags']['list']) and (nl <= 0 or match_namespace( pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['notags']['namespaces'], namespaces, nl )): subscribedTopics.append( [topic, None, nl > 0, pubsub['topics'][ +topic ]['notags']] ) return True else: if _tag and (_tag in pubsub['notopics']['tags']): if not_empty(pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ]['list']) and (nl <= 0 or match_namespace( pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ]['namespaces'], namespaces, nl )): subscribedTopics.append( [None, tag, nl > 0, pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ]] ) return True else: if not_empty(pubsub['notopics']['notags']['list']) and (nl > 0 and match_namespace( pubsub['notopics']['notags']['namespaces'], namespaces, nl )): subscribedTopics.append( [None, None, True, pubsub['notopics']['notags']] ) return True # else no topics no tags no namespaces, do nothing return False def get_subscribed_topics( seps, pubsub, atopic ): all = get_all_topics( seps, atopic ) topics = all[ 1 ] tags = all[ 2 ] namespaces = all[ 3 ] topTopic = all[ 0 ] subscribedTopics = [ ] tl = len(tags) nl = len(namespaces) l = len(topics) if l: while l: topic = topics[ 0 ] if ('tp_'+topic) in pubsub['topics']: if tl > 0: for tag in tags: check_is_subscribed( pubsub, subscribedTopics, topic, tag, namespaces, nl ) else: check_is_subscribed( pubsub, subscribedTopics, topic, None, namespaces, nl ) topics.pop( 0 ) l -= 1 if tl > 0: for tag in tags: check_is_subscribed( pubsub, subscribedTopics, None, tag, namespaces, nl ) check_is_subscribed( pubsub, subscribedTopics, None, None, namespaces, nl ) return [topTopic, subscribedTopics, namespaces] def unsubscribe_oneoffs( subscribers ): if subscribers and ('list' in subscribers) and len(subscribers['list']) > 0: if len(subscribers['list']) > 0: if subscribers['oneOffs'] > 0: subs = subscribers['list'] for s in range(len(subs)-1,-1,-1): subscriber = subs[ s ] if subscriber[1] and subscriber[4] > 0: del subs[s:s+1] subscribers['oneOffs'] = subscribers['oneOffs']-1 if subscribers['oneOffs'] > 0 else 0 else: subscribers['oneOffs'] = 0 return subscribers def publish( target, seps, pubsub, topic, data ): if pubsub: topics = get_subscribed_topics( seps, pubsub, topic ) topTopic = topics[ 0 ] namespaces = topics[ 2 ] topics = topics[ 1 ] tl = len(topics) evt = None res = False if tl > 0: evt = PublishSubscribeEvent( target ) = data evt.originalTopic = topTopic.split(OTOPIC_SEP) if topTopic else [] for t in topics: subTopic = t[ 0 ] tags = t[ 1 ] evt.topic = subTopic.split(OTOPIC_SEP) if subTopic else [] evt.tags = tags.split(OTAG_SEP) if tags else [] hasNamespace = t[ 2 ] subscribers = t[ 3 ] # create a copy avoid mutation of pubsub during notifications subs = [ ] sl = len(subscribers['list']) slr = range(sl) for s in slr: subscriber = subscribers['list'][ s ] if ((not subscriber[ 1 ]) or (not subscriber[ 4 ])) and ((not hasNamespace) or (subscriber[ 2 ] and match_namespace(subscriber[ 2 ], namespaces))): subs.append( subscriber ) for subscriber in subs: #if subscriber[ 1 ] and subscriber[ 4 ] > 0: continue # oneoff subscriber already called if hasNamespace: evt.namespaces = subscriber[ 3 ][:] else: evt.namespaces = [] subscriber[ 4 ] = 1 # subscriber called res = subscriber[ 0 ]( evt ) # stop event propagation if (False == res) or evt.stopped() or evt.aborted(): break # unsubscribeOneOffs unsubscribe_oneoffs( subscribers ) # stop event bubble propagation if evt.aborted() or not evt.propagates(): break if evt: evt.dispose( ) evt = None def create_pipeline_loop(evt, topics, abort, finish): topTopic = topics[ 0 ] namespaces = topics[ 2 ] topics = topics[ 1 ] evt.non_local = PublishSubscribeData({ 't': 0, 's': 0, 'start_topic': True, 'subscribers': None, 'topics': topics, 'namespaces': namespaces, 'hasNamespace': False, 'abort': abort, 'finish': finish }) evt.originalTopic = topTopic.split(OTOPIC_SEP) if topTopic else [] def pipeline_loop( evt ): if not evt.non_local: return non_local = evt.non_local if non_local.t < len(non_local.topics): if non_local.start_topic: # unsubscribeOneOffs unsubscribe_oneoffs( non_local.subscribers ) # stop event propagation if evt.aborted() or not evt.propagates(): if evt.aborted() and callable(non_local.abort): abort = non_local.abort non_local.abort = None abort( evt ) if callable(non_local.finish): finish = non_local.finish non_local.finish = None finish( evt ) return False subTopic = non_local.topics[non_local.t][ 0 ] tags = non_local.topics[non_local.t][ 1 ] evt.topic = subTopic.split(OTOPIC_SEP) if subTopic else [] evt.tags = tags.split(OTAG_SEP) if tags else [] non_local.hasNamespace = non_local.topics[non_local.t][ 2 ] non_local.subscribers = non_local.topics[non_local.t][ 3 ] non_local.s = 0 non_local.start_topic = False #if non_local['subscribers']: non_local['sl'] = len(non_local['subscribers']['list']) if non_local.s<len(non_local.subscribers['list']): # stop event propagation if evt.aborted() or evt.stopped(): # unsubscribeOneOffs unsubscribe_oneoffs( non_local.subscribers ) if evt.aborted() and callable(non_local.abort): abort = non_local.abort non_local.abort = None abort( evt ) if callable(non_local.finish): finish = non_local.finish non_local.finish = None finish( evt ) return False done = False while non_local.s<len(non_local.subscribers['list']) and not done: subscriber = non_local.subscribers['list'][ non_local.s ] if ((not subscriber[ 1 ]) or (not subscriber[ 4 ])) and ((not non_local.hasNamespace) or (subscriber[ 2 ] and match_namespace(subscriber[ 2 ], non_local.namespaces))): done = True non_local.s += 1 if non_local.s>=len(non_local.subscribers['list']): non_local.t += 1 non_local.start_topic = True if done: if non_local.hasNamespace: evt.namespaces = subscriber[ 3 ][:] else: evt.namespaces = [] subscriber[ 4 ] = 1 # subscriber called res = subscriber[ 0 ]( evt ) else: non_local.t += 1 non_local.start_topic = True if not evt.non_local: return if non_local.t >= len(non_local.topics): # unsubscribeOneOffs unsubscribe_oneoffs( non_local.subscribers ) if callable(non_local.finish): finish = non_local.finish non_local.finish = None finish( evt ) if evt: evt.non_local.dispose([ 't', 's', 'start_topic', 'subscribers', 'topics', 'namespaces', 'hasNamespace', 'abort', 'finish' ]) evt.non_local = None evt.dispose() evt = None return pipeline_loop def pipeline( target, seps, pubsub, topic, data, abort=None, finish=None ): if pubsub: topics = get_subscribed_topics( seps, pubsub, topic ) if len(topics[ 1 ]) > 0: evt = PublishSubscribeEvent( target ) = data pipeline_loop = create_pipeline_loop(evt, topics, abort, finish) evt.pipeline( pipeline_loop ) pipeline_loop( evt ) def subscribe( seps, pubsub, topic, subscriber, oneOff=False, on1=False ): if pubsub and callable(subscriber): topic = parse_topic( seps, topic ) tags = OTAG_SEP.join( topic[1] ) tagslen = len(tags) namespaces = topic[2] nslen = len(namespaces) topic = OTOPIC_SEP.join( topic[0] ) oneOff = (True == oneOff) on1 = (True == on1) nshash = { } if nslen: for ns in namespaces: nshash['ns_'+ns] = 1 namespaces_ref = namespaces[:] queue = None if len(topic): _topic = 'tp_' + topic if not _topic in pubsub['topics']: pubsub['topics'][ _topic ] = { 'notags': {'namespaces': {}, 'list': [], 'oneOffs': 0}, 'tags': {} } if tagslen: _tag = 'tg_' + tags if not _tag in pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags']: pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ] = {'namespaces': {}, 'list': [], 'oneOffs': 0} queue = pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ] else: queue = pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['notags'] else: if tagslen: _tag = 'tg_' + tags if not _tag in pubsub['notopics']['tags']: pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ] = {'namespaces': {}, 'list': [], 'oneOffs': 0} queue = pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ] elif nslen: queue = pubsub['notopics']['notags'] if queue is not None: entry = [subscriber, oneOff, nshash, namespaces_ref, 0] if nslen else [subscriber, oneOff, False, [], 0] if on1: queue['list'].insert( 0, entry ) else: queue['list'].append( entry ) if oneOff: queue['oneOffs'] += 1 if nslen: update_namespaces( queue['namespaces'], namespaces, nslen ) def remove_subscriber( pb, hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ): pos = len(pb['list']) if hasSubscriber: if (None != subscriber) and (pos > 0): pos -= 1 while pos >= 0: if subscriber == pb.list[pos][0]: if nslen and pb.list[pos][2] and match_namespace( pb['list'][pos][2], namespaces, nslen ): remove_namespaces( pb['namespaces'], pb['list'][pos][2].keys() ) if pb['list'][pos][1]: pb['oneOffs'] = pb['oneOffs']-1 if pb['oneOffs'] > 0 else 0 del pb['list'][pos:pos+1] elif not nslen: if pb['list'][pos][2]: remove_namespaces( pb['namespaces'], pb['list'][pos][2].keys() ) if pb['list'][pos][1]: pb['oneOffs'] = pb['oneOffs']-1 if pb['oneOffs'] > 0 else 0 del pb['list'][pos:pos+1] pos -= 1 elif not hasSubscriber and (nslen > 0) and (pos > 0): pos -= 1 while pos >= 0: if pb['list'][pos][2] and match_namespace( pb['list'][pos][2], namespaces, nslen ): remove_namespaces( pb['namespaces'], pb['list'][pos][2].keys() ) if pb['list'][pos][1]: pb['oneOffs'] = pb['oneOffs']-1 if pb['oneOffs'] > 0 else 0 del pb['list'][pos:pos+1] pos -= 1 elif not hasSubscriber and (pos > 0): pb['list'] = [ ] pb['oneOffs'] = 0 pb['namespaces'] = { } def unsubscribe( seps, pubsub, topic, subscriber=None ): if pubsub: topic = parse_topic( seps, topic ) tags = OTAG_SEP.join( topic[1] ) namespaces = topic[2] tagslen = len(tags) nslen = len(namespaces) hasSubscriber = bool(subscriber and callable( subscriber )) if not hasSubscriber: subscriber = None topic = OTOPIC_SEP.join( topic[0] ) topiclen = len(topic) _topic = 'tp_'+topic if topiclen else False _tag = 'tg_'+tags if tagslen else False if topiclen and (_topic in pubsub['topics']): if tagslen and (_tag in pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags']): remove_subscriber( pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ]['list']: del pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags'][ _tag ] elif not tagslen: remove_subscriber( pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['notags'], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['notags']['list'] and not pubsub['topics'][ _topic ]['tags']: del pubsub['topics'][ _topic ] elif not topiclen and (tagslen or nslen): if tagslen: if _tag in pubsub['notopics']['tags']: remove_subscriber( pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ]['list']: del pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ _tag ] # remove from any topics as well for t in pubsub['topics']: if _tag in pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags']: remove_subscriber( pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ _tag ], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ _tag ]['list']: del pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ _tag ] else: remove_subscriber( pubsub['notopics']['notags'], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) # remove from any tags as well for t2 in pubsub['notopics']['tags']: remove_subscriber( pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ t2 ], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ t2 ]['list']: del pubsub['notopics']['tags'][ t2 ] # remove from any topics and tags as well for t in pubsub['topics']: remove_subscriber( pubsub['topics'][ t ]['notags'], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) for t2 in pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags']: remove_subscriber( pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ t2 ], hasSubscriber, subscriber, namespaces, nslen ) if not pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ t2 ]['list']: del pubsub['topics'][ t ]['tags'][ t2 ] # # PublishSubscribe (Interface) class PublishSubscribe: """ PublishSubscribe, """ VERSION = "1.1.0" Event = PublishSubscribeEvent def Data( props=None ): return PublishSubscribeData(props) def __init__( self ): self.initPubSub( ) def __del__(self): self.disposePubSub() def initPubSub( self ): self._seps = [TOPIC_SEP, TAG_SEP, NS_SEP] self._pubsub = get_pubsub( ) return self def disposePubSub( self ): self._seps = None self._pubsub = None return self def setSeparators( self, seps ): if seps: l = len(seps) if l > 0 and seps[0]: self._seps[0] = seps[0] if l > 1 and seps[1]: self._seps[1] = seps[1] if l > 2 and seps[2]: self._seps[2] = seps[2] return self def trigger( self, message, data=dict() ): #if data is None: data = { } #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) publish( self, self._seps, self._pubsub, message, data ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def pipeline( self, message, data=dict(), abort=None, finish=None ): #if data is None: data = { } #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) pipeline( self, self._seps, self._pubsub, message, data, abort, finish ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def on( self, message, callback ): if callback and callable(callback): #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) subscribe( self._seps, self._pubsub, message, callback ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def one( self, message, callback ): if callback and callable(callback): #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) subscribe( self._seps, self._pubsub, message, callback, True ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def on1( self, message, callback ): if callback and callable(callback): #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) subscribe( self._seps, self._pubsub, message, callback, False, True ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def one1( self, message, callback ): if callback and callable(callback): #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) subscribe( self._seps, self._pubsub, message, callback, True, True ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self def off( self, message, callback=None ): #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) unsubscribe( self._seps, self._pubsub, message, callback ) #print( pprint.pformat(self._pubsub, 4) ) return self # if used with 'import *' __all__ = ['PublishSubscribe']