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File: example.php

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  Classes of Aikar   Secure Cookie   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Secure Cookie Example
Class: Secure Cookie
Store and retrieve data in encrypted cookies
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 1,489 bytes



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$output .= 'Creating Object $C<br />';
$C = new SecureCookie('mysecretword','SomeCookie',time()+3600,'/','');
$output .= 'settign test to hello<br />';
$output .= 'value of test is: ' . $C->Get('test') . '<br />';
$output .= 'setting test to bello<br />';
$output .= 'value of test is: ' . $C->Get('test') . '<br />';
$output .= 'setting test to dello<br />';
$output .= 'value of test is: ' . $C->Get('test') . '<br />';
$output .= 'deleting test<br />';
$output .= 'value of test is: ' . $C->Get('test') . '<br />';
$output .= 'setting test2 to xello<br />';
$output .= 'value of test2 is: ' . $C->Get('test2') . '<br />';
$output .= 'setting test3 to cello<br />';
$output .= 'value of test is: ' . $C->Get('test3') . '<br />';
$output .= 'Creating a new object $C2 with a different password but same ID and accessing the cookie.<br />';
$C2 = new SecureCookie('mysecretwordx','SomeCookie',time()+3600,'/','');
$output .= 'value of test2 using $C2 is: ' . $C2->Get('test2') . '<br />';
'<html><title>class.SecureCookie.php by Aikar</title><br />';
$output .'<br>';
'<b>CookieObject:</b><br /><pre>'.print_r($C->GetObject(),true) .
'</pre><br /><br /><b>Actual Cookie:</b><br><pre>'.$_COOKIE['SomeCookie'].'</pre><br /><br />';