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File: kinetic/js/game/map.js

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File: kinetic/js/game/map.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Tiled to CraftyJS
Convert game level tiled maps CraftyJS components
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 11,427 bytes



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var Map = function(stage){ this._stage = stage; //Isometric Map this._map = null; //Sprite Data this._sprites = {}; //Initial Center Location this._x = 0; this._y = 0; //Drawn Layers this._layers = []; this._ready = false; //Viewport this._vp = null; //Define cache canvas size this._cache = { width:this._stage.attrs.width*2, height:this._stage.attrs.height*2, x:0, y:0 } this._offset = { x:(this._cache.width-this._stage.attrs.width)/2, y:(this._cache.height-this._stage.attrs.height)/2 } this._info = { updateLayer:$('#update_layer'), getImages:$('#get_images'), drawImages:$('#draw_images'), drawCache:$('#draw_cache'), draw:$('#draw'), bgChildren:$('#count_bg'), objChildren:$('#count_obj'), totalChildren:$('#count_all') } this._tiles = {}; } Map.prototype = { _data:null, //Main function to draw the map draw:function(){ //If map is not initialized or there is no viewport,return if(!this._ready) return; var drawTime = this._t(); //If the viewport is not within the stage if(!this._stageWithinViewport()){ //Update layer this._updateLayers(); } //draw Layer this._drawLayers(); var drawDiff = this._t() - drawTime; this._info.draw.text(drawDiff); }, //Initial Function, loads json file and initialize Map load:function(config){ var map = this; this._x = config.x; this._y = config.y; $.ajax({ url:"js/maps/"'.json', success:function(data){ //Save the data map._setData(data); map._init(); map._initLayers(); map._loadImages(); } }); }, _setData:function(data){ this._data = data; }, _init:function(){ var d = this._data, mw = d.width,mh=d.height,tw=d.tilewidth,th=d.tileheight; if(d.orientation === 'isometric'){ //Create new Isometric Helper this._map = new Kinetic.Isometric(tw, th, mw, mh); } //Center the stage at position x/y var pos = this._map.pos2px(this._x,this._y); //calculate position 2 pixel //set center position of stage this._stage.attrs.x = -pos.left+this._cache.width/2-tw/2; this._stage.attrs.y =; }, //Function to create layers _initLayers:function(){ //Loop throught layers for(var i = 0,il = this._data.layers.length;i<il;i++){ var l = this._data.layers[i]; //If the layer is a tile layer if(l.type === "tilelayer"){ //Create new layer var layer = new Kinetic.Layer({ listening:false,,, visible:l.visible }); //if layer is visible if(l.visible){ var map = this; //Create a cache Canvas var cache =new Kinetic.Canvas(this._cache.width,this._cache.height); = 'cache'; //add chacheCanvas to layer layer.cacheCanvas = cache; //$('#cache').append(cache.getElement()); //sort the children before Draw layer.beforeDraw(function(){ if( === 'background') { map._info.bgChildren.text(this.children.length); } if( === 'object') { map._info.objChildren.text(this.children.length); } this.children.sort(function(a,b){ return a.attrs.zIndex - b.attrs.zIndex; }); this.cacheCanvas.clear(); }); layer.drawCache = function(){ var w=map._stage.attrs.width, h=map._stage.attrs.height, x=(-map._stage.attrs.x-map._vp.x)+map._offset.x, y=(-map._stage.attrs.y-map._vp.y)+map._offset.y; this.getCanvas().clear(); //Draw the part of cached Canvas into layer canvas this.getContext().drawImage(this.cacheCanvas.getElement(),x,y,w,h,0,0,w,h); } //create new array of visible layers this._layers.push(layer); } //add layers to stage this._stage.add(layer); } } }, //Function to load images _loadImages:function(){ var map = this; //create sprites and get images to load from json file var loader = new Kinetic.Loader(this._createSprites()); loader.onError(function(data){ }); loader.onProgress(function(data){ }); loader.onComplete(function(){ //draw map map._updateLayers(); map._ready = true; }); //start loading loader.load(); }, //Function to create sprites array _createSprites:function(){ var images = []; for(var i =0,il = this._data.tilesets.length;i<il;i++){ var tileset = this._data.tilesets[i],id=tileset.firstgid; for(var y = 0,yl = tileset.imageheight;y<yl;y+=tileset.tileheight){ for(var x = 0,xl = tileset.imagewidth;x<xl;x+=tileset.tilewidth){ //default offset var offset = { x:0, y:0 }; //overwrite offset if set if(tileset.tileoffset){ offset.x = -tileset.tileoffset.x; offset.y = -tileset.tileoffset.y; } //create sprite object this._sprites[id] = {, x:x, y:y, width:tileset.tilewidth, height:tileset.tileheight, offset:offset }; id++; } } //push images to load images.push({ src:tileset.image, }); } return images; }, _drawLayers:function(){ var t = this._t(); //loop throught visible layers and draw part of chacecanvas into screencanvas for(var l = 0,ll = this._layers.length;l<ll;l++){ this._layers[l].drawCache(); } var diff = this._t() - t; this._info.drawCache.text(diff); }, _updateLayers:function(){ var updateTime = this._t(); this._vp = { x:-this._stage.attrs.x, y:-this._stage.attrs.y, w:this._cache.width, h:this._cache.height } //get area of viewport var area = this._map.area(this._vp),mw=this._data.width,x=0,y=0,i=0,tiles = {},grid={}; //loop throught elements var imageTime = this._t(); for(var a = 0,al = area.length;a<al;a++){ x = area[a][0]; //get x y = area[a][1]; //get y i = y*mw+x; //get index //loop throught visible layers for(var l = 0,ll = this._layers.length;l<ll;l++){ var layer = this._layers[l], id =[i], tile = this._sprites[id]; //if sprite not exists or sprite id = 0 continue to next layer var name = "Y"+y+"X"+x+"Z"+(l+1); grid[name] = true; //reduce amount of loops if(id < 1 || !tile || this._tiles[name]) continue; //create individual tile name var pos = this._map.pos2px(x,y); var image = new Kinetic.Image({ x: pos.left,, image: Kinetic.Assets[], width: tile.width, height: tile.height, crop:{ x:tile.x, y:tile.y, width:tile.width, height:tile.height }, offset :tile.offset,*(l+1), name:name }); this._tiles[name]=image; //add image to layer layer.add(image); } } var imageDiff = this._t()-imageTime; this._info.getImages.text(imageDiff); for(var i in this._tiles){ var t = this._tiles[i]; if(!grid[i]){ //if the name is in Grid var t.attrs.visible = false; }else{ //here i need to delete it t.attrs.visible = true; } } delete grid; var drawTime = this._t(); //loop throught visible layers and draw children on cache canvas var children = 0; for(l = 0,ll = this._layers.length;l<ll;l++){ layer =this._layers[l]; children += layer.children.length; layer.draw(layer.cacheCanvas); } this._info.totalChildren.text(children); var drawDiff = this._t()-drawTime; this._info.drawImages.text(drawDiff); var updateDiff = this._t()-updateTime; this._info.updateLayer.text(updateDiff); }, _stageWithinViewport:function(){ //lazy vars var s = this._stage.attrs,o = this._offset,vp = this._vp,tw =this._data.tilewidth,th = this._data.tileheight; var stage = { x:-s.x+(o.x-tw/2), y:-s.y+(o.y-th), w:s.width, h:s.height }; var viewport ={ x:vp.x, y:vp.y, w:vp.w, h:vp.h } var within = viewport.x <= stage.x && viewport.x + viewport.w >= stage.x + stage.w && viewport.y <= stage.y && vp.y + viewport.h >= stage.y + stage.h; return within; }, _t:function(){ return; }, isReady:function(){ return this._ready; } }