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  Classes of Nikos M.   Dialect PHP SQL Query Builder   test/python/   Download  
File: test/python/
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Class: Dialect PHP SQL Query Builder
Build SQL queries from templates
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,009 bytes



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#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys import pprint def import_module(name, path): import imp try: mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc = imp.find_module(name, [path]) mod = getattr( imp.load_module(name, mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc), name ) except ImportError as exc: mod = None sys.stderr.write("Error: failed to import module ({})".format(exc)) finally: if mod_fp: mod_fp.close() return mod # import the engine (as a) module, probably you will want to place this in another dir/package Dialect = import_module('Dialect', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../src/python/')) if not Dialect: print ('Could not load the Dialect Module') sys.exit(1) else: pass def echo(s = ''): print (s) echo('Dialect.VERSION = ' + Dialect.VERSION) echo( ) dialect = Dialect('postgres') conditions = { '':{'like':'%l:name%', 'type':'raw'}, 'main.str':{'eq':'%str%', 'type':'raw'}, 'main.year':{'eq':'2000', 'type':'raw'}, '':{'either':[ {'eq':',*,'}, {'contains':',12,'} ]}, 'main.null' : None, 'main.not_null' : {'not_eq':None}, 'main.project': {'in':[1,2,3],'type':'int'} } dialect.clear().Select('COUNT(t.f0) AS f0,t.f1 AS f1,t.f2 AS f2,t2.f3 AS f3').From('t').Join('t2',{'':''},'inner').Where({'f1':'2'}).Limit(100,100).createView('my_view') dialect.clear().Select('t.f1 AS f1,t.f2 AS f2,t2.f3 AS f3').From('t').Where({ 'f1':{'eq':'%d:id%','type':'raw'} }).Limit(100,100).prepareTpl('prepared_query') dialect.prepareTpl('prepared_query2', dialect.clear().Select('t.f1 AS f1,t.f2 AS f2,t2.f3 AS f3').From('t').Where({ 'f1':{'eq':'%d:id%','type':'raw'} }).sql()) query_soft_view = dialect.clear().Select('*, f1 AS f11, f1 AS f111, COUNT( DISTINCT( f1 ) ) AS f22, COUNT( DISTINCT( f2 ) )').From('my_view').Where({'f2':'3'}, 'OR').Where({'f2':'1'}, 'OR').sql() query_prepared = dialect.prepared('prepared_query',{'id':'12'}) query_prepared2 = dialect.prepared('prepared_query2',{'id':'12'}) query = dialect.clear().Select().Order('main.field1').From('table AS main').joinConditions({ 'project' : { 'table' : 'main', 'id' : 'ID', 'join' : 'usermeta', 'join_id' : 'user_id', 'key' : 'meta_key', 'value' : 'meta_value' } }, conditions).Where(conditions).Order('main.field2').Page(2, 1000).sql() prepared = dialect.prepare(query, {'name':'na%me','str':'a string'}) union = dialect.clear().Union([dialect.subquery().Select('*').From('t1').Limit(10).sql(), dialect.subquery().Select('*').From('t2').Limit(5).sql()], True).Limit(100).sql() sql = dialect.clear().Select().From('table') echo( 'SQL dialect = ' + dialect.type ) echo( ) echo( query_soft_view ) echo( ) echo( query_prepared ) echo( ) echo( query_prepared2 ) echo( ) echo( query ) echo( ) echo( prepared ) echo( ) echo( union ) echo( ) echo( "\n".join([sql.sql(), sql.sql()]) ) echo( )