* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\Workflow;
use Chevere\Action\Interfaces\ActionInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\JobInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\ResponseReferenceInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\RunInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\RunnerInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\VariableInterface;
use Chevere\Workflow\Interfaces\WorkflowInterface;
use Throwable;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* Creates a WorkflowInterface instance for the given jobs.
* workflow(
* job1: sync|async(
* new MyAction(),
* foo: $foo, <variable|reference|raw>
* ),
* )
function workflow(JobInterface ...$job): WorkflowInterface
return new Workflow(
new Jobs(...$job)
* Creates a synchronous job for the given action and arguments.
* @param ActionInterface $_ The action to run
* @param mixed ...$argument Action arguments for its run method (raw, reference or variable)
function sync(ActionInterface $_, mixed ...$argument): JobInterface
return (new Job($_, ...$argument))
* Creates an asynchronous job for the given action and arguments.
* @param ActionInterface $_ The action to run
* @param mixed ...$argument Action arguments for its run method (raw, reference or variable)
function async(ActionInterface $_, mixed ...$argument): JobInterface
return new Job($_, ...$argument);
* Creates a reference to the response for the given job and key (if any).
* @param string $job Job
* @param ?string $key Job response key (optional)
function response(string $job, ?string $key = null): ResponseReferenceInterface
return new ResponseReference($job, $key);
* Creates a workflow variable.
* @param string $name Variable name
function variable(string $name): VariableInterface
return new Variable($name);
* Creates a RunnerInterface instance for the given job.
function runnerForJob(RunnerInterface $runner, string $job): RunnerInterface
try {
return $runner;
} catch (Throwable) {
// ignore
return $runner->withRunJob($job);
* Creates a RunInterface instance for the given workflow and named variables .
function run(
WorkflowInterface $workflow,
mixed ...$variable,
): RunInterface {
$run = new Run($workflow, ...$variable);
$runner = new Runner($run);
return $runner->withRun()->run();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
function uuidv4(): string
$data = random_bytes(16);
$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0F | 0x40);
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3F | 0x80);
return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));