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File: js/holzcast.js

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File: js/holzcast.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: SalamCast jQuery plugin
Class: Proxy Cast
Generate JSON from podcast feeds to serve players
Author: By
Last change: Update of js/holzcast.js
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 25,896 bytes



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/* ################################################################################ # # HolzCast Player is now: # # SalamCast Podcast Player, August 25, 2012 # * jQuery Plugin has been trimmed of fat for making redundant HTML and CSS items # * unused JS variables have been removed and code cleaned # * CSS has been updated, since menu's didn't work well on iDevices # * CSS ids and classes can be over ridden # # Copyright 2012 Karl Holz, newaeon _AT_ mac _DOT_ com # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ */ (function($) { $.fn.extend({ SalamCast: function(options) { var p = 0; // for playlist item uniqueness var o = 0; // opml unique ness var $id = '#'+$(this).attr('id'); // plugin defaults var defaults = { load: 'body', swf: './', PlayPlaylist: '1', // numbered to allow multi-instances poster: '', feeds: '', //JSON object {"title":"url"} ** remember no ',' on last item in array itunes: '', // set to true/any to enable jPlayerSolution: "html, flash", // jPlayer Solution debug: true, media: "m4v, m4a, mp3" }; var opts = $.extend(defaults, options); /* These CSS ids and classes are used for buttons and id items. classes start with a '.' */ var css_defaults = { link_rss: 'link[type="application/rss+xml"]', itunes: '#itunes', rss: '#rss', pcast_link: '#pcast_link', menu: '#menu', menu_items: '#menu > ul > li > a', podcasts: "#ajax", // jPlayer track: "#track_name_txt", jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1", // current playlist, can be switched off if needed playlist: "#podcast", play: '#play', pcast: "#pcast", playlist_item: '#podcast_item_', // playlist item prefix remote: "#holzremote", // uses class next: ".jp-next", prev: ".jp-previous", full: "", normal: "", controls: ".jp-controls", controls_act: '.jp-controls > li > a', // playlist_title: "#title", playlist_url: "#href", track_url: "#track", max: "#max", playing: "#num", open_item_info: "#open_item_info", open_chan_info: "#open_chan_info", item_info: '#podcast_info', chan_info: '#channel_info', item_info_box: '#item_info_box', chan_info_box: '#chan_info_box' }; var cssId = $.extend(css_defaults, options.cssId); // one liners for basic HTML structures var html = { a_ref: function(title, playlist, p) { if (p) { return '<a id="play'+p+'" href="'+playlist+'" >'+title+'</a>'; } else { return '<a title="'+title+'" href="'+playlist+'" >play</a>'; } }, podcast_item: function(p, title, playlist){ return '<li>'+this.a_ref(title, playlist, p)+'</li>'; }, playlist_item: function(id,url, name, i){ return "<li ><a id='" +id.replace('#', '')+"' href='"+url+"' ext='"+ext(url)+"' tabindex='"+i+"'>"+name+"</a></li>"; }, rss_link: function(t, l) { return "<link type='application/rss+xml' rel='alternate' title='"+t+"' href='"+l+"' />"; }, feed_html: function(t,id) { return '<h3 class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">'+t+'</h3><br /><div id="'+id.replace('#', '')+'"></div><br />'; } }; // ------------ var podcast_links = function($url){ $(cssId.rss).attr('href',$url); // replace http:// with itpc:// $(cssId.itunes).attr('href', $url.replace("http://", "itpc://")); $(cssId.pcast_link).attr('href', $url.replace("http://", "pcast://")); }; //################################################################################################ // setMedia for jPlayer var media = function(url, mime) { var e = ext(url, mime); var c; switch (e) { case "m4v": c={ m4v: url, poster: opts.poster }; break; case "m4a": c={ m4a: url, poster: opts.poster }; break; case "mp3": c={ mp3: url, poster: opts.poster }; break; } return c; }; //################################################################################################ // returns the file extention from url to be used in jPlayer var ext = function(url, mime){ if (mime) { switch (mime) { case 'video/mpeg': o='m4v'; break; case 'video/quicktime': o='m4v'; break; case 'video/x-quicktime': o='m4v'; break; case 'video/x-m4v': o='m4v'; break; case 'video/mp4': o='m4v'; break; case 'audio/mp4': o='m4a'; break; case 'audio/mpeg': o='mp3'; break; } return o; } if (url) { var e = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('.')); var o = e; switch (e) { // mp4 video case ".mp4": o="m4v"; break; case ".m4v": o="m4v"; break; case ".mov": o="m4v"; break; // mp3 audio case ".mp2": o="mp3"; break; case ".mp3": o="mp3"; break; // mp4 Audio case ".m4a": o="m4a"; break; case ".m4b": o="m4a"; break; } return o; } return 'm4v'; }; var set_title = function(t) { $(cssId.track).attr('title', t); $(cssId.playlist_title).text(t); }; //################################################################################################ /* Fix jPlayer hight and width issues */ var fix_jplayer = function() { $(cssId.jPlayer+' object' ).removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height').removeAttr('style'); $(cssId.jPlayer+' video' ).removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height').removeAttr('style'); $(cssId.jPlayer+' img' ).removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height'); $(cssId.jPlayer).removeAttr('style'); $(cssId.controls_act).css('display', function() { var s = $(this).css('display'); if (s == 'inline') { return 'block'; } else if (s == 'block') { return 'block'; } else { return 'none'; } }); }; /* set to normal video */ var set_normal = function (){ $($id).removeClass('full').addClass('normal'); $(cssId.jPlayer+' object' ).removeAttr('class').addClass('normal'); $(cssId.jPlayer+' video' ).removeAttr('class').addClass('normal'); $(cssId.jPlayer+' img' ).removeAttr('class').addClass('normal'); $(cssId.jPlayer).removeClass('full').addClass('normal'); }; /* set to full screen video */ var set_fullscreen = function() { $($id).removeClass('normal').addClass('full'); $(cssId.jPlayer).removeAttr('class').addClass('full').removeAttr('style'); } /* configure next track to play */ var playlistConfig = function(index) { var current = parseInt($(cssId.playing).text()); $p=0; $(cssId.playlist_item + current).removeClass("jp-playlist-current").parent().removeClass("jp-playlist-current"); $(cssId.playlist_item + index).addClass("jp-playlist-current").parent().addClass("jp-playlist-current"); current = parseInt(index); var a = $(cssId.playlist_item + current).attr('href'); var json = JSON.parse($(cssId.playlist_item + current).attr('json')); json.desc.replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", ">"); // set track number $(cssId.playing).text(current); var txt=$(cssId.playlist_item + current).text(); $(cssId.track).html(txt); $(cssId.item_info).empty(); if (json.title) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Title', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.title); $p++; } if (json.pubdate) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Published Date', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).text(json.pubdate); $p++; } if ( { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Author', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(; $p++; } if (json.block) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Block Podcast in iTunes', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.block); $p++; } if (json.img) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Podcast Poster', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html('<img width="380" />'); $(cssId.item_info+$p+" > img").attr('src', json.img); opts.poster=json.img; $p++; } if (json.time) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Play Time', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.time); $p++; } if (json.explicit) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Explicit', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.explicit); $p++; } if (json.isCC) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Closed Caption Video', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.isCC); $p++; } if (json.order) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Order', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.order); $p++; } if (json.keywords) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Keywords', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html('<ul><li>'+json.keywords.replace(/,/g, "</li><li>")+'</li></ul>'); $p++; } if (json.subtitle) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Subtitle', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.subtitle); $p++; } if (json.desc) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Summary', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.desc); $p++; } if (json.guid) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('guid', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.guid); $p++; } if (json.url) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Media File', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.item_info+$p+' > a').html('Download').attr('href', json.url); $p++; } if (json.type) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Type', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.type); $p++; } if (json.size) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Size', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html(json.size); $p++; } if (json.comments) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Comments', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.item_info+$p+' > a').html(json.comments).attr('href', json.comments); $p++; } if (json.source) { $(cssId.item_info).append(html.feed_html('Source', cssId.item_info+$p)); $(cssId.item_info+$p).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.item_info+$p+' > a').html(json.source).attr('href', json.source); $p++; } set_media(a, json.type); }; /* Change Playlist */ var playlistChange = function(index) { playlistConfig(index); }; /* Next Playlist item */ var playlistNext = function() { var current = parseInt($(cssId.playing).text())+1; var max = parseInt($(cssId.max).text()); var index = (current <= max) ? current : 1; playlistChange(index); }; /* Previous Playlist item */ var playlistPrev = function() { var current = parseInt($(cssId.playing).text()) -1; var max = parseInt($(cssId.max).text()); var index = (current >= 1) ? current : max; playlistChange(index); }; /* Set the playlist */ function playlist($url) { var i=1; var list=new Array(); var first={}; // jPlayer podcast_links($url); reset_ui(); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: $url, dataType: 'xml', success: function(d){ var chan; $(d).find('channel').each(function(xml){ var c = jQuery(this); var $c=0; opts.poster=''; // reset poster /* iTunes XML Schema: xml tag channel item where content appears in iTunes <title> Y Y Name column <link> Y website link and arrow in Name column <copyright> Y not visible <itunes:author> Y Y Artist column <itunes:block> Y Y prevent an episode or podcast from appearing <itunes:category> Y Category column and in iTunes Store Browse <itunes:image> Y Y Same location as album art <itunes:explicit> Y Y parental advisory graphic in Name column <itunes:complete> Y indicates completion of podcasts; no more episodes <itunes:keywords> Y Y not visible but can be searched <itunes:new-feed-url> Y not visible, used to inform iTunes of new feed URL location <itunes:owner> Y not visible, used for contact only <itunes:subtitle> Y Y Description column <itunes:summary> Y Y when the "circled i" in Description column is clicked */ chan = { title: c.find('title').first().text(), link:c.find('link').first().text(), copyright: c.find('copyright').first().text(), author:c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'author').first().text(), block: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'block').first().text(), category:c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'category').attr('text'), img:c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'image').first().attr('href'), explicit: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'explicit').first().text(), complete: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'complete').first().text(), keywords: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'keywords').first().text(), new_feed_url: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'new-feed-url').first().text(), subtitle: c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'subtitle').first().text(), desc:c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'summary').first().text(), pubDate:c.find('pubDate').first().text(), build:c.find('lastBuildDate').first().text(), generator:c.find('generator').first().text(), lang: c.find('language').first().text(), docs: c.find('docs').first().text(), webMaster: c.find('webMaster').first().text(), ttl: c.find('ttl').first().text() } if (! chan.desc) { chan.desc=c.find('description').first().text(); } if (! chan.category) {chan.desc=c.find('category').text(); } if (! {'author').first().text(); } if (! {'managingEditor').first().text(); } c.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'owner').each(function(){$(this).find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'name').first().text();$(this).find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'email').first().text(); }); if (chan.title) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Title', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.title); $(cssId.playlist_title).html(chan.title); $c++ } if ( { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Link', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+' > a').html('href',; $c++; } if (chan.copyright) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Copyright', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.copyright); $c++; } if ( { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Author', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(; $c++; } if (chan.block) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Block Channel', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.block); $c++; } if (chan.category) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Categorys', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.category); $c++; } if (chan.img) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Podcast Channel Image', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<img width="385" />'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+' > img').attr('src', chan.img).attr('alt', chan.title); opts.poster=chan.img; $c++; } if (chan.explicit) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Explicit Content', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.explicit); $c++; } if (chan.complete) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Complete', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.complete); $c++; } if (chan.keywords) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Keywords', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<ul><li>'+chan.keywords.replace(/,/g, "</li><li>")+'</li></ul>'); $c++; } if (chan.new_feed_url) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('New Feed Url', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+' > a').html(chan.new_feed_url).attr('href',chan.new_feed_url); $c++; } if ( { var name; if ( { name =; } else {; } $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Owner', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+'> a').html(name).attr('href','mailto:'; $c++; } if (chan.subtitle) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Subtitle', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.subtitle); $c++; } if (chan.desc) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Summary', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.desc); $c++; } if (chan.pubDate) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Published Date', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.pubDate); $c++ } if ( { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Build Date', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(; $c++ } if (chan.generator) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Feed Generator', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.generator); $c++ } if (chan.lang) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Language', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(chan.lang); $c++; } if ( { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Feed Documentation', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html(; $c++; } if (chan.webMaster) { $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('WebMaster', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+'> a').html(name).attr('href','mailto:'+chan.webMaster); $c++; } $(cssId.chan_info).append(html.feed_html('Feed URL', cssId.chan_info+$c)); $(cssId.chan_info+$c).html('<a></a>'); $(cssId.chan_info+$c+' > a').html('Open Feed').attr('href', $url); $c++; }); $(d).find('item').each(function(){ var $item = jQuery(this); var $desc = $item.find('description').text(); var $desc2 = $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'summary').text(); if ($desc2.length > $desc.length) { $desc=$desc2; } $desc.replace(/\n/g, '<br />') var pitem = cssId.playlist_item + i; // set first item to play /* xml tag channel item where content appears in iTunes <title> Y Y Name column <pubDate> Y Release Date column <itunes:author> Y Y Artist column <itunes:block> Y Y prevent an episode or podcast from appearing <itunes:image> Y Y Same location as album art <itunes:duration> Y Time column <itunes:explicit> Y Y parental advisory graphic in Name column <itunes:isClosedCaptioned> Y Closed Caption graphic in Name column <itunes:order> Y override the order of episodes on the store <itunes:keywords> Y Y not visible but can be searched <itunes:subtitle> Y Y Description column <itunes:summary> Y Y when the "circled i" in Description column is clicked */ var item_info= { // title: $item.find('title').text().replace(chan.title,'').replace(chan.title.replace('.', ''),''), pubdate: $item.find('pubDate').text(), author: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'author').first().text(), block: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'block').first().text(), img: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'image').first().attr('href'), time: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'duration').first().text(), explicit: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'explicit').first().text(), isCC: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'isClosedCaptioned').first().text(), order: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'order').first().text(), keywords: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'keywords').first().text(), subtitle: $item.find('*').ns_filter(opts.itunes, 'subtitle').first().text(), desc: $desc, guid: $item.find('guid').text(), // enclosure url: $item.find('enclosure').attr("url"), type: $item.find('enclosure').attr("type"), size: $item.find('enclosure').attr("length"), //opt RSS comments: $item.find('comments').text(), source: $item.find('source').text() }; if (! item_info.img) { item_info.img=$item.find('image').find('url').text(); } if (! {$item.find('author').first().text(); } if (i == 1){ first = { url: item_info.url, name: item_info.title }; } $(cssId.pcast).append( html.playlist_item(pitem, item_info.url, item_info.title, i) ); $(pitem).attr('json', JSON.stringify(item_info, null, 2)); $(pitem).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var a = $(this).attr("href"); var index = $(this).attr('tabindex'); playlistChange(index); }); $(cssId.max).text(i); if (first.url) { $(cssId.playing).text('1'); $(cssId.track).html(; playlistChange('1'); } i++; }); } }); // ajax end } /* Set Media to play */ var set_media = function(url, mime) { $(cssId.jPlayer).jPlayer("setMedia", media(url, mime)).jPlayer("play"); fix_jplayer(); }; /* Stop jPlayer */ var no_play = function() { $(cssId.jPlayer).jPlayer("stop"); } // jplayer setup, plays the first video var jplayer = function() { $(cssId.jPlayer).jPlayer({ jPlayer: cssId.jPlayer, cssSelectorAncestor: cssId.remote, ready: function () { // RSS feeds must be sent as xml/text for IE or jQuery.get() will not work! if (!opts.feeds) { $('link[type="application/rss+xml"]').each(function () { p++; $(cssId.podcasts).append(html.podcast_item(p, $(this).attr('title'), $(this).attr('href'))); }); } else { opts.feeds.each(function (k, v) { p++; $(cssId.podcasts).append(html.podcast_item(p, k, v)); }); } // start the work of loading in menu plain items if (opts.PlayPlaylist > p) { play=p; } else if (opts.PlayPlaylist < 1){ play=1; } else { play=opts.PlayPlaylist; } set_title($(; playlist($('href')); $(cssId.menu_items).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); fix_jplayer(); playlist($(this).attr('href')); }); $(cssId.full).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); fix_jplayer(); set_fullscreen(); }); $(cssId.normal).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); fix_jplayer(); set_normal(); }); $( { event.preventDefault(); playlistNext(); fix_jplayer(); }); $(cssId.prev).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); playlistPrev(); fix_jplayer(); }); $(cssId.controls_act).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); fix_jplayer(); }); fix_jplayer(); set_normal(); }, play: function() { $(cssId.jPlayer).jPlayer("play"); fix_jplayer(); }, ended: function() { playlistNext(); fix_jplayer(); }, pause: function() { fix_jplayer(); }, mute: function() { fix_jplayer(); }, supplied:, solution: opts.jPlayerSolution, swfPath: opts.swf, errorAlerts: opts.debug, warningAlerts: opts.debug }); return false; }; /* reset jPlayer UI */ //################################################################################################ var reset_ui =function() { $(cssId.track).html(''); $(cssId.pcast).empty(); $(cssId.chan_info).empty(); $(cssId.item_info).empty(); $(cssId.playlist_title).html('Playlist'); $(cssId.playing).html('0'); $(cssId.max).html('0'); } var reset = function() { $(cssId.jPlayer).jPlayer("destroy"); }; // ################################################################################################ /* boot strap the player for client useage */ $(cssId.podcasts).empty(); $(cssId.playlist).empty(); $($id).addClass('normal').show(); $(cssId.chan_info_box).dialog({ title: "Channel Details", autoOpen: false, width: 600, height: 600, zindex: 999999 }); $(cssId.item_info_box).dialog({ title: "Media Information", autoOpen: false, width: 600, height: 600, zindex: 999999 }); $(cssId.open_chan_info).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(cssId.chan_info_box).dialog("open"); }); $(cssId.open_item_info).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(cssId.item_info_box).dialog("open"); }); jplayer(); // all the work is done when jPlayer is ready // return each to work with jQuery return this.each(function() { var o = opts; var obj = $(this); var items = $("a", obj); }); } }); })(jQuery); //############################################################################################# // Extras to make this plugin work //############################################################################################# // ns_filter, a jQuery plugin for XML namespace queries. // (function($) { $.fn.ns_filter = function(namespaceURI, localName) { return $(this).filter(function() { var domnode = $(this)[0]; return (domnode.namespaceURI == namespaceURI && domnode.localName == localName); }); }; })(jQuery);