// This is a class that converts a SQL instructions into TXT file follow SDF format
// Author : Pablo Dall'Oglio ( [email protected])
// Date : Thursday, 10, May, 2001
class sql2txt
var $nome_arq;
var $myfile;
var $LoginDB;
var $LoginUID;
var $LoginPWD;
var $port;
var $id_connection;
var $sql;
var $result;
var $row;
var $arg;
var $brancos = " "; // 50
// This function open Connection with PostgreSQL DataBase
// returns 1 if open if success otherwise, returns 0
function openSQL($LoginDB, $port, $LoginUID, $LoginPWD)
$this->LoginDB = $LoginDB;
$this->port = $port;
$this->LoginUID = $LoginUID;
$this->LoginPWD = $LoginPWD;
$this->arg = "dbname=$this->LoginDB port=$this->port user=$this->LoginUID password=$this->LoginPWD";
$this->id_connection = pg_Connect($this->arg);
return empty($this->id_connection) ? 0 : $this->id_connection;
// This function open the TXT file for write
// returns 1 if open with success otherwise, returns 0
function opentxt($filename)
$this->nome_arq = $filename;
$this->myfile = @fopen($this->nome_arq, "w");
if (!$this->myfile)
// This function close both TXT file and PostgreSQL Database
function Closeall()
if ($id_connection)
// This function get the columns from SQL instructions and
// whrite it into a TXT file
function InsertColumnsIntoTXT($sql, $myarray, $header, $trailer)
$this->sql = $sql;
//Open query
$this->result = pg_exec($this->id_connection,$this->sql);
$this->row = -1;
if ($this->result != null)
if ($header)
{ fputs($this->myfile, "$header" . chr(13) . chr(10)); } // header
$total = count($myarray);
while ( $this->row + 1 < pg_numrows($this->result) )
// loop the database
for($index=1; $index <= $total; $index ++)
list ( $tamanho, $alinhamento ) = split("-",$myarray[$index-1],2);
// coluna comeca em 0
$conteudo = pg_result($this->result,$this->row,$index-1);
$conteudo = trim($conteudo);
if ($alinhamento=="right")
$conteudo = substr($conteudo,0,$tamanho);
$conteudo = substr($this->brancos,0,$tamanho-strlen($conteudo)) . $conteudo;
$conteudo = $conteudo . $this->brancos;
$conteudo = substr($conteudo,0,$tamanho);
$linha_mens = $conteudo;
fputs($this->myfile, "$linha_mens");
fputs($this->myfile, chr(13) . chr(10)); // retorno de carro
if ($trailer)
{ fputs($this->myfile, "$trailer" . chr(13) . chr(10)); } // trailer
// Close query
if ( $this->result != null )
$this->result = null;