cihan öztürk - 2008-07-04 14:11:46
anyone who has document about multisubmitting? i can execute single send function but multisend is not executed. can you please help me? we send SMSs via smpp.routesms.com:2345
"Bind Transmitter PDU: 112 111 112 117 108 101 114 50 0 112 111 112 117 108 101 114 0 0 52 1 1 0
Sending PDU, len == 38
Sending PDU, header-len == 16
Sending PDU, command_id == 2
Sending PDU, sequence number == 1
Sending PDU, command status == 0
Trying to read PDU.
Reading PDU : 32 bytes.
Stream len : 28
Stream Hex : 80 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 52 6f 75 74 65 73 6d 73 34 31 00 02 10 00 01 34
Command id : 2.
Command status : 0.
sequence_number : 1.
Got bind_transmitter_RESP.
system id : .
Received PDU:
Sending PDU, len == 16
Sending PDU, header-len == 16
Sending PDU, command_id == 21
Sending PDU, sequence number == 2
Sending PDU, command status == 0
Trying to read PDU.
Reading PDU : 16 bytes.
Stream len : 12
Stream Hex : 80 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
Command id : 21.
Command status : 0.
sequence_number : 2.
GOT enquire_link_RESP.
Received PDU:
In split_message.
One message: 28
Multi PDU: ...multisms.....905123456899....905123456898........�..Multi This is my PHP message
Sending PDU, len == 101
Sending PDU, header-len == 16
Sending PDU, command_id == 33
Sending PDU, sequence number == 3
Sending PDU, command status == 0
Trying to read PDU.
Reading PDU : 16 bytes.
Stream len : 12
Stream Hex : 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03
Command id : 0.
Command status : 0.
sequence_number : 3.
Got unknow 0 SMPP pdu.
Received PDU:
Sending PDU, len == 16
Sending PDU, header-len == 16
Sending PDU, command_id == 6
Sending PDU, sequence number == 4
Sending PDU, command status == 0
Trying to read PDU.
Reading PDU : 16 bytes.
Stream len : 12
Stream Hex : 80 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04
Command id : 6.
Command status : 0.
sequence_number : 4.
Got unbind_RESP.
Received PDU: