PHP IP to ASN Mapping: Map IPv4 or IPv6 address to ASN

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Version License PHP version Categories
ip2asn 1.0Custom (specified...5Networking, PHP 5
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This class can map IPv4 or IPv6 address to ASN.

It can take a given IP address either in IPv4 or IPv6 format and get the autonomous system number for that IP address querying the cymru whois service.

The results are cached to avoid overhead of accessing the whois cymru service for the same IP ASN query.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2017
Number 6
An autonomous system is a part of network that is connected to other networks according to routing definitions.

An autonomous system number (ASN) is a number assigned to each network. A computer with an IP address belongs to a given network with its own ASN.

This class can determine what is the ASN of a given IPv4 or IPv6 address by calling the cymru whoi service that is now very huge.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Peter Kahl
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x



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Maps IP address to ASN. ASN to prefix. ASN to name. Both IPv4 and IPv6.


  • Writeable cache directory (permissions, ownership)
  • PHP functions `exec()` and `shell_exec()` are not disabled
  • Can execute bash scripts (using crontab)
  • Package `whois` installed
  • Package `dnsutils` installed

Installing Required Packages

sudo apt install whois dnsutils

Shell Scripts

Essential component of this library are 2 shell scripts.

Script is used to purge cached data. You may want to run this script hourly using crontab. (Edit parameters as needed.)

Script is used to download database file for mapping AS numbers to their names. You may want to run this script (not more than) once daily using crontab. (Edit parameters as needed.)


IP to ASN (and all related information)

use peterkahl\ip2asn\ip2asn;

$asnObj = new ip2asn('/srv/bgp'); # The argument is the cache directory.

$temp = $asnObj->getAsn(''); # Accepts both IPv4 and IPv6


array(7) {
  string(5) "15169"
  string(10) ""
  string(24) "000010000000100000001000"
  string(2) "US"
  string(24) "GOOGLE - Google Inc., US"
  string(4) "ARIN"
  string(0) "NA"

AS Number(s) to List of Prefixes

use peterkahl\ip2asn\ip2asn;

$asnObj = new ip2asn('srv/bgp'); # The argument is the cache directory.

# This will get us an array of all prefixes for AS 94, 95, 96.
# The second argument defines your choice of IPv (4 or 6).
$temp = $asnObj->ArrayAsn2prefix(array(94, 95, 96), 6);


AS Number to Name (Description)

use peterkahl\ip2asn\ip2asn;

$asnObj = new ip2asn('srv/bgp'); # The argument is the cache directory.

$temp = $asnObj->Asn2description(15169);

echo $temp; # "GOOGLE - Google Inc., US"
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