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Handle Inner Values: Trait to allow accessing objects like Python lists

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handle-inner-values 1.0.0The PHP License5.4PHP 5, Data types, Traits


This package provides a trait to allow accessing objects like Python lists.

It provides a trait that provides functions for implementing the ArrayAccess Interface access objects like arrays.

Applications can pass a string to access elements of the object. The string should have a specific syntax that can specify elements of an object of a class that may contain other objects or arrays.

Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse
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tada implements ArrayAccess{
$tada=new tada();
print_r($tada['#%papa:-3%#n']);//attention danger faites plutot



few time ago and many times yet i have realized that Objects implementing ArrayAccess interface are really cool But it lacks something. For example : you can't do this on an Object implementing ArrayAccess interface $object[][][]=0; This fact really frustrated me more than once. Of course you can not do this too unset($object['something]['somethingelse']); But more than once I needed these features.And more than once i implemented the same code to allow these features but via some methods. Each time I implemented ArrayAccess on one of my class I irremediably remark the lack. So decided to put these methods in one trait to avoid repetitive programming. Of course I still was frustrated because the bracket access is cool than some methods so i finally make those methods private and find the way to use the brackets. But once again I was not happy ,I needed more power and this is at this time that i remember Python list variable type where you can use $object[1:9] to get something like array_slice($object,$offset,$length). Finally i build the present Trait to bring some super powers to all objects which implement the ArrayAccess interface And i decided to put it online for those like me who need these Super powers too -:). Keep in mind that your class must implements the ArrayAccess interface to be able to use this trait optimally Except the basic access type like $object[]=2; and $object[1]=0 or unset($object[1]) you can now use $tada['["papa"][0][6]']='tada'; //=> mean $tada["papa"][0][6]='tada'; unset($tada['["papa"][0][6]']); //=>mean unset($tada["papa"][0][6]); print_r($tada['#%4:-3%#n']);//=>mean print_r(array_slice($tada,from offset 4 to length($tada)-3)) print_r($tada['#%papa:-3%#']);//=>mean print_r(array_slice($tada,from offset papa to length($tada)-3)) print_r($tada['#%papa:3%#']);//=>mean print_r(array_slice($tada,from offset papa for 3)) $tada['#%3:0%#n']=range(1,7);// =>mean insert the values of range(1,7) starting from offset 3 without deleting anything(array_splice) $tada['#%3:6%#n']=range(1,7);// =>mean replace value from offset 3 by the values of range(1,7) for length 6(array_splice) unset('#%4:-3%#n'])//mean=> unset value starting from offset 4 to length($tada)-3) unset('#%4:3%#n'])//mean=> unset value starting from offset 4 for length 3 Note the n behind the last # which means that the specified offset is integer finally if you wish to use in you offset element like [,# or % you must use the delimiter %[ and ]% so anything between these tags will be treat as simple string. Note that in Python you can do $tada[:9] or $tada[9:] here too and you can even just use $tada[:] or $tada['papa'] to use the splice and slice functions but you must always specify it as string between the specific tags #% and %# See the example file for more informations or use the forum.

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File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example example script
Plain text file HandleInnerValues.trait.php Class trait source
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. readme

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