XOOPS Modules Builder: Generate new modules for the XOOPS CMS

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2020-11-11 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 16 All time: 10,132 This week: 206Up
Version License PHP version Categories
modulebuilder 3.04GNU General Publi...7.3Libraries, Content management, GUI, C..., P...
Description Author

This package implements a module that can generate new modules for the XOOPS CMS.

It implements a Web based user interface that appears as part of a site with content managed by the XOOPS CMS that can generate code and other types of files for new modules. Currently it can:

- Creates basic folder structure
- Creates all necessary class files for each table
- Creates all necessary admin files for each table
- Creates all necessary user files for each table
- Creates all necessary template files for GUI for each table
- Creates installation files
- Creates config files
- Creates language files
- Creates module logo
- Implements common XOOPS classes
- Implements blocks
- Implements search
- Implements comments system
- Implements notifications system
- Implements broken functionallity
- Implements permission handler
- Implements test data system
- Implements feedback system
- Implements rating system
- Implements rss handler
- Implements tag handler
- Implements pdf output
- Implements preloads for namespaces

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2020
XOOPS is a popular content management system totally written in PHP. It is a modular solution that allows implementing new modules that extend the base functionality provided by the core XOOPS system.

This package can be used to develop new modules, thus allowing to extend XOOPS in less time than if you had to manually write all code of a new XOOPS module.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Goffy G
Name: Goffy G <contact>
Classes: 4 packages by
Country: Austria Austria
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

Winner: 2x




Support If you liked the modulebuilder module and thanks to the long process for giving the opportunity to the new module to be created in a moment, consider making a donation to <a href="https://xoops.org/modules/xdonations/" target="_blank" title="Donate to Xoops">Xoops.org</a>

ModuleBuilder version 3.x

Build Status Jenkins coverage Software License Quality Score Gem Latest Version

> Note: This repository contains the code of the modulebuilder module It's under development currently. If you want to build with developers this version of module or create a base modules, you can use the last version of this module at Txmod XOOPS Web Site, and visit the main discussion forum at XOOPS Web Site for more information.

Screenshot: <p align="center"> <img src="https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8500/29971619205_a397db1039_o.jpg" alt="ModuleBuilder 1.9.1 dashboard"/> </p>

Clear version


  • XOOPS 2.5.10;
  • XOOPS Admin 1.2;
  • PHP 7.3 or higher;
  • MySQL 5.5; -> Minimum Recommended Using InnoDB Version 5.1 or Later


- Added: table_solename field in tables - Added: table_install field in tables - Added: table_index field in tables - Added: filed_thead field in fields - Added: filed_tbody field in fields - Added: filed_tfoot field in fields


ModuleBuilder is a module that create other basic modules for XOOPS CMS.

Tested with XOOPS 2.5.11, you can not use it with earlier versions, unless because you don't fit some core files in the background and after some tests.

That is ahead XOOPS versions, and goes to 2.6.0, you should download XOOPS 2.5 and use with this latest version.

Therefore recommended not to use modulebuilder 3.x, with previous versions of XOOPS 2.5.10

System - Tests

PHP = 7.3, 7.4

MySQL = 5.6.20, 5.7.11

Apache = 2.4.10, 2.4.18

XOOPS = 2.5.11

Codeception = 2.0.13

Selenium IDE = 2.9.0


Tutorial Available Tutorial: coming soon on GitBook. To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub


Translations on Transifex

Please visit us on https://xoops.org

Current and upcoming "next generation" versions of XOOPS CMS are being crafted on GitHub at: https://github.com/XOOPS

  • tablecreator
  • maindashboard
  • fieldcreation
  • checker
  • builder
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageadmin (16 files)
Files folder imageassets (1 file, 4 directories)
Files folder imageclass (31 files, 5 directories)
Files folder imageconfig (5 files)
Files folder imagedocs (9 files)
Files folder imagefiles (2 directories)
Files folder imageinclude (5 files)
Files folder imagelanguage (2 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imagepreloads (3 files)
Files folder imagesql (4 files)
Files folder imagetemplates (1 file, 1 directory)
Files folder imagetestdata (2 files, 2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file .atoum.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file .coveralls.yml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file .scrutinizer.yml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file .travis.yml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file History.md Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login HTML file index.html Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file README.md Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file xoops_version.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file _TODO.txt Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:10,132
This week:206Up

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.