PHP Classes

Swotch PHP File Change Event Watch: Watch file changes in PHP Swoole applications

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-09-18 (3 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 41 All time: 10,758 This week: 118Up
Version License PHP version Categories
swotch 1.0.0Shareware8System information, Files and Folders, P...


This package can watch file changes in PHP Swoole applications.

It can register a list of paths of directories to watch for file changes.

The package can also register callback functions that will be called when several types of events on files in the registered directories happen.

Currently, the package can invoke callback functions when changes happen in the registered directories like:

- A file was modified

- A file was moved

- A file was deleted

- A file was created

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 6
Swoole is a PHP asynchronous programming framework that allows developers to create high-performance PHP applications by highly optimizing the server CPUs in the server computer on which PHP applications are running.

It uses asynchronous programming to let developers define multiple PHP code sections that can run in parallel while other PHP code sections are waiting for tasks that access external resources that are not completed, like, for instance, database accesses, network connections, or file accesses.

This package implements a directory file watcher class that uses Swoole asynchronous support to process file changes in parallel with other tasks that your PHP Swoole-based applications may be performing.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ahmad Mustapha
Name: Ahmad Mustapha <contact>
Classes: 23 packages by
Country: Nigeria Nigeria
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 9x




Swoole file system changes watcher.


composer require ahmard/swotch


Basic Usage

use Swotch\Watcher;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$paths = [
    __DIR__ . '/app/',
    __DIR__ . '/views/',

Watcher::watch($paths)->onAny(function (){
    echo "File changes detected\n";

Swoole Server Integration

use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\Http\Response;
use Swoole\Http\Server;
use Swotch\Watcher;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$server = new Server('', 9000);
$server->on('request', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $response->end('Hello world');

$server->on('start', function (Server $server) {
    echo "Server started at\n";
    $paths = [
        __DIR__ . '/app/',
        __DIR__ . '/views/',
    Watcher::watch($paths)->onAny(fn() => $server->reload());


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