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PHP Payment Gateway Library: Process payments with multiple gateways

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-12-27 (5 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 57 All time: 10,536 This week: 63Up
Version License PHP version Categories
payment-gateways 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...8E-Commerce, Web services, PHP 7


Ujah Chigozie
Nanoblock Technology


This package can process payments with multiple gateways using the same application code.

It provides a factory class that can create an object to perform operations with a specific payment gateway platform, for instance:

- Create a payment customer record

- List all customers with payment accounts

- Get a payment charge authorization

- Verify a payment

- Resolve account numbers

- Resolve bank account number

- Create a payment recipient

- Execute a transfer

- Create Webhook and Routing

- List all available banks

- Get bank by code

Currently, the package supports the payment gateway PayStack.

Picture of Ujah Chigozie peter
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x



PayStack Initialize

To initialize the payment gateway you will need to pass the merchant interface you want to use

First, initialize your payment merchant gateway

$gateway = new PayStack("PAYMENT_PRIVATE_KEY");

Calling Merchant::getInstance will return instances of Bank, Customers, and Processor as Payment which can then be used to access individual class instances $merchant->bank->foo()

$merchant = Merchant::getInstance($gateway);

Initialize with payment instance

$payment = Merchant::getPaymentInstance($gateway);

Initialize with customer instance

$customer = Merchant::getCustomerInstance($gateway);

Initialize with a bank instance

$bank = Merchant::getBankInstance($gateway);



Easy to use PHP payment gateway library designed for PHP 8 and above. The primary goal of this library is to facilitate seamless transitions between different payment merchants, allowing developers to switch gateways without the need for relearning of new implementation and documentation. Initialization involves specifying the preferred merchant, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience. Currently, PayStack is the starting point for this library.

Installation Guide via Composer:

composer require nanoblocktech/payment-gateways

Available Merchant Payment

  1. PayStack - Here you can find about PayStack API documentation to get started


To get started see the library documentation

  1. Getting Started
  2. Customer Management
  3. Customers Account Management
  4. Payments & Transactions
  5. Payment Charges Calculations
  6. Banks & Dedicated Virtual Account
  7. Webhook & Routing Handling
  8. API Request Response


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License for more information.

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Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Plain text file rector.php Class Class source

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User Comments (1)
This software actually does nothing.
5 months ago (Shamiim Islam)