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How to Adapt PHP Applications to Support Multiple Idioms using the Package PHP Multilanguage Strings: Get texts to use in multilanguage applications

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2024-04-05 (22 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 1 This week: 1All time: 11,297 This week: 140Up
Version License PHP version Categories
multi-lang 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...8Localization, Cache, PHP 8


This package can get texts to use in multilanguage applications.

It can load text strings from JSON files that define application text strings in a given language.

The package can return text strings assigned to a given text and optionally format the strings with text parameters that replace certain marks in those strings.

It can also store the loaded text strings in cache storage, which is supported by cache driver classes provided by the package.

Currently, it provides cache driver classes to store loaded text strings in arrays or does not store those strings in any caching storage.

Picture of Mateo
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 10x

Winner: 3x




A simple package to manage multi-language in your project.


composer require mateodioev/multi-lang


  • Create a directory to save your language files, for example `resources/lang`.
  • Create a file for each language you want to support, for example `en.json` and `es.json`.

File en.json:

    "english_name": "English",
    "name": "Spanish",
    "data": {
        "welcome": "Welcome {full_name} to our website",
        "goodbye": "Goodbye dear {full_name}"

File es.json:

    "english_name": "Spanish",
    "name": "Español",
    "data": {
        "welcome": "Bienvenido {full_name} a nuestro sitio web",
        "goodbye": "Adiós querido {full_name}"

  • Configure the dir
use Mateodioev\MultiLang\Cache\InMemoryCache;
use Mateodioev\MultiLang\Lang;

    dir: __DIR__ . '/resources/lang',
    cache: new InMemoryCache() // Optional

  • Format the strings
// If the key does not exist it will return null
Lang::get('es')->data('welcome')?->format(['full_name' => 'Mateo']);
// Output: Bienvenido Mateo a nuestro sitio web

File format

  • `english_name`: The name of the language in English.
  • `name`: The name of the language in its own language.
  • `data`: The key-value pairs of the language strings. - `key`: The key of the string. - `value`: The value of the string. You can use placeholders to replace them with values. > WARNING: If the json file does not contain any of these keys or different data it will give an error.

Validate the files

You can validate the files to check if they have the correct format. > WARNING: Not use in production. This load and parse all the files


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