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PHP File Renamer: Rename files in directory using several strategies

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Not enough user ratingsTotal: 373 All time: 6,782 This week: 45Up
Version License PHP version Categories
file-renamer 1.3.0BSD License5.3.0PHP 5, Files and Folders


This package can rename files in directory using several strategies.

It can traverse a directory recursively and rename files according to several different types of strategies.

Each strategy defines how each file should be renamed or not.

Currently several types of strategies are implemented like transliteration of names in different idioms and prefix names with a time values. Additional strategies may be registered.

The renamed files may be copied to a separate directory.

The class can also generate a report in CSV format about the renamed files.

Picture of Sergii Pryz
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x



FileRenamer =========== Introduction ------------ Console application for Renaming Files in the directory and subdirectories. FileRenamer is: * worked with different rename strategies e.g. microtime, transliteration to Latin of Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, Portuguese, German etc. * provided ability registry new strategies * created process report in .csv format * implemented safety algorithm without removing source files. New directory with renamed files will be created. * followed architecture Patterns * based on PHP 5.3 Area of usage ------------- Renaming files in the directory with custom algorithm without deleting original data were renaming report is essential. Examples -------- 1. For renaming files in the examples directory please run console command: ``` php frcon.php -s tests/data/RenameMe -r mtime ``` 2. To see all registered strategies please run: ``` php frcon.php -l ``` 3. Help can be found by using such command: ``` php frcon.php -h ```

Screenshots (2)  
  • FileRenamer_v1_1_0_help.png
  • FileRenamer_v1_1_0_hash_strategy.png
  Files folder image Files (34)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageconfigs (1 file)
Files folder imagedocs (1 directory)
Files folder imagesrc (1 file, 1 directory)
Files folder imagetests (2 files, 2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Updated release history.Renamed to upperCase.
Accessible without login Plain text file frcon.php Appl. Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE.txt Doc. Renamed to upperCase.
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Renamed to upperCase.

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