PHP Classes

PHP Favicon Generator: Create Favicon images for sites and mobile devices

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2019-05-01 (2 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 497 All time: 5,719 This week: 462Up
Version License PHP version Categories
favicon-generator 1.0.2BSD License5.3.3HTML, PHP 5, Graphics
Description Author

This class can create Favicon images for sites and mobile devices.

It takes a give base icon image and creates multiple versions of the image for use as favicon on Web sites or be displayed by mobile devices like those using systems of Apple, Microsoft, and Android.

The class can generate all the versions of the icon images with the different sizes, as well the necessary HTML to reference the icon images in a Web page.

The margins, color, compression, crop method and screen orientation are configurable parameters.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2015
Number 4

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Favicons are images that are often used to represent Web sites in lists of favorite pages.

Nowadays there are many types of favicons that are used not only by browsers to represent favorite pages, but also to show icons with great graphical quality on mobile devices that may have screens of different resolutions.

This class can generate favicons in many formats at once from a single base icon image. It can also generate the necessary HTML tags to reference the generated icon images in Web pages.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x


Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads PHP Classes

Favicon Generator

This class can create Favicon images for sites and mobile devices.

It takes a give base icon image and creates multiple versions of the image for use as favicon on Web sites or be displayed by mobile devices like those using systems of Apple, Microsoft, and Android.

The class can generate all the versions of the icon images with the different sizes, as well the necessary HTML to reference the icon images in a Web page.

The margins, color, compression, crop method and screen orientation are configurable parameters.


  • PHP version ~5.3.3
  • Module installed Imagick


1) Install composer

2) Follow in the project folder:

composer require dmamontov/favicon ~1.0.0

In config composer.json your project will be added to the library dmamontov/favicon, who settled in the folder vendor/. In the absence of a config file or folder with vendors they will be created.

If before your project is not used composer, connect the startup file vendors. To do this, enter the code in the project:

require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

Example of work

$fav = new FaviconGenerator(__DIR__ . '/tests.png');


    'apple-background'    => FaviconGenerator::COLOR_BLUE,
    'apple-margin'        => 15,
    'android-background'  => FaviconGenerator::COLOR_GREEN,
    'android-margin'      => 15,
    'android-name'        => 'My app',
    'android-url'         => '',
    'android-orientation' => FaviconGenerator::ANDROID_PORTRAIT,
    'ms-background'       => FaviconGenerator::COLOR_GREEN,

echo $fav->createAllAndGetHtml();
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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This week:462Up
User Comments (1)
thanks bro
3 years ago (dj@!LhaNy)